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Natural Law isn't as complicated as it sounds.

However often people aren't really clear on it.

[ CONCEPT ]  What is the concept.

Natural law is not just a set of rules. Natural law is a way of thinking that mirrors how humans live and grow.

It also reflects the world we live in.  This should be clear, when one takes the time to think about it..

Natural Law has two parts. So depending on who you talk to...  natural law may make great sense or it may sound really unscientific  (not logical) or really not to particularly sensitive (uncaring).

[  SUBJECTS ]  Are laws for people different than laws for things.

According to their authorship NO.  According to there everyday usage YES.

The part of natural law that deals with people is about how people can best live. Also how people can best live is also related to how they can best behave.behave. They don't always behave well.

They don't always behave poorly. Life comes out in the middle.

REVIEW Lesson 1
  Scientists and philosphers use the term natural law to clarify their respective work environments differently.

 LESSON 2  Physical and spiritual norms

The part of natural law that deals with things is about physical realities. These rules of nature that we can study we call the Natural physical law. Or we might say philosphers and other humanists call them the natural physical law (because that distinguishes them from human laws).  Scientists don't always specifiy that they discover physical natural laws. They just call them the laws of nature of natural law.

On the other hand, The part of law that deals with people are both physical and spiritual.  We don't speak of gravity as having a soul and we don't talk of magnetism or electricity as having a soul. Persons (or Individuals in Human society in the aggregate) each have a soul and therefore more than just the physical laws of nature apply to them.

REVIEW Lesson2al Law has two languages, the Natural Physical law and the Natural Spiritual Law