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Guild of Mabinogi: Iridescent

Leader: Hammerune
Officer: Tokichu

About Iridescent;
We are a Mabinogi guild in the server of Mari, created on the 30th of June 2009.
Although Iridescent is a small community, we hope Iridescent will thrive - rather than a disperse guild, but a tight-knit guild whom we can call family. <3

Please visit the guild forums for more information about Iridescent, how to join, and more. Click here to be redirected.

Iridescent Forums;
Please register for the guild forums w/ your IGN.
Announcements/events are posted regularly and the forums also act as an alternative method of communication.

Guild Stone;
Iridescent's guild stone is located North West of Dunbarton around Rabbie.