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What Does an Orthodontist Do?

Unlike many general dentists, orthodontists are experts in specialized oral treatment. Orthodontists deal with many mouth problems that are extensive and take a lot of planning and work to correct. If you’re on the fence about whether you need to seek the help a general dentist or an orthodontist, here is more information for you to consider.

Orthodontists are widely known for their teeth alignment processes. Almost all orthodontists offer regular silver, metal braces. These braces are known for being highly visible and embarrassing for some teens and adults. A newer method of braces alternatives to straighten teeth, Invisalign, is also becoming widely popular. Invisalign is a great option that many orthodontists offer to discreetly straighten teeth. Invisalign gradually straightens teeth through a series of clear plastic trays that pull teeth closer together or spread them apart as needed. If you’re in Australia The Invisible Orthodontist can help you find an Invisalign specialist near you.

Orthodontists also specialize in correcting jaw pain causes my mouth problems. For example, sometimes overbites and under bites cause jaw pain. An orthodontist can create a custom tailored plan to correct over and under bites, and therefore decrease jaw pain. In some cases head gear, lip bumpers, mouth pieces, or rubber banded braces are used to treat this. Your orthodontist will be able to pinpoint the cause of your jaw pain and come up with a plan from there. Also if your teeth are misshapen an orthodontist can help correct them. For instance is one of your teeth much, much smaller than the rest. If this is something that has always bothered you an orthodontist can fill in the teeth and shade it to make it blend in with the rest of your mouth. If one of your teeth are too big an orthodontist can file it down.

Orthodontists offer a lot of treatments. If you want more information on orthodontic care in Australia visit the official website of The Invisible Orthodontist.