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How to use an inversion table?

Inversion therapy is one of the easiest and fastest ways of treating back pain, sciatic nerve pain, shoulder pain, and neck pain issues. It is certainly an amazing way of treating a number of body pain issues. It is an easy to try therapy in which you do not need anyone’s help. Just get an inversion table, lie down over it and then move your body in the upside down motion. Stay as it is for a few minutes and then get back in your original position. Yes, that is enough. Many of you may try this therapy for the first time, so check out how to use an inversion table for a perfect inversion therapy session.

There are a few steps, which you need to follow to enjoy a relaxing session of the inversion therapy. Thos steps are mentioned below:

inversion table

Step 1:

First, you should set your inversion table in a room, where you can have enough space to move it. Mount the table in that room and then get ready to fix your body on the table. You will have to lock your feet in the cushions to prevent the fall. You should wear the tennis shoes during this therapy because these shoes offer a better grip and prevent discomfort of the feet during the therapy. Therefore, you remain safe during the whole session of the inversion therapy and enjoy it.

Step 2:

The inversion tables offer various safety straps. Choose an inversion table of a reputable brand to get the maximum safety straps and to fix your body safely over the table. Visit here to learn more about inversion table now.

Step 3:

All the inversion tables offer a handle bar to hold. You should lie down over the inversion table by holding those bars and use those bars to change the angle and position over the table. It is the safest way of doing that.

inversion table

The therapies for the beginners:

Just like other exercises, you should try the basic inversion first and then increase the angel. Incline the inversion table on 30-40° for a few months. It would be enough for relieving your back pain. Later you can try the intermediate level stretching over the inversion table. Move your inversion table on 60° angle and stay in the upside-down position for a minute. Now get your arms towards your head and stretch your body.

If you are expert in performing stretching exercises over the inversion table, now you can go for full inversion therapy. Get the table inclined on 90° angle and get your body in upside down position. Stretch your arms and twist your waist to get the maximum benefits of this therapy.

There are several inversion therapy exercises, which you can try to relieve different types’ body pains. It takes only 3-5 minutes and you are done. The regular sessions of inversion therapy can help you in living a pain-free and enjoyable life. Thousands of people have bought the inversion tables and they are using it daily to feel healthy and active.