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Welcome to ED 540 Instructional Technology and Media for Learning

We will do the following tasks tonight:
  1. Register for a free Angelfire account to "house" our webpages
  2. Activate our Angelfire account to use tonight
  3. Download Kompozer as our HTML editor (similar to how Word is a text editor)
  4. Create an "images" folder on your USB drive and put 2 images in it (from the google images?)
  5. Demonstrate a few basic things to do to personalize your webpages
    1. Change bg color
    2. Add text-change font type, size, etc.
    3. Insert 2 images-resize (hold down shift key) and edit-put into a table?
    4. Add hyperlinks-games, resources, etc.
    5. Save as "index.html" ONLY
    6. Control-Z undoes last step
  6. FTP (file transfer protocol) with Angelfire (can FTP with Filezilla too)-upload and overwrite index.html page in Angelfire with the one created in Kompozer and create "images" folder and pull in 2 images
  7. Work on webpages-not due until last class