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From the Block to the Booth Mixtape Vol.1
Friday, 19 June 2009
Strong Arm Publishing releasing mixtape
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: in sound shop

strog arm pub intro

Why drop a cd now when most shoppers of music download more music for free then buy music?

Its a reccession and I been working on trying to get cotacts to keep several artists that I represent an deal along with working with Po Livin Records, I have found that the record industry is hurting and suffering could have been prevented. Just as AIG,GM,and oter failed inustries that fail to adjust to the change in tecnology and times.Understand the consumer.This was what I saw and what stimulated me three years ago after been called to be a major player in get the music out there by any means information is power and the internet has reshape how we think and communicate our new and inventive thoughts! Music is no different then sharing thoughts and sharing music most people do that so much in times like these. When many store are force to use sell slogans like buy one get one free music sell go up with a fan tee. Getting your bang for your buck that's the American Way.Money mouth

Posted by industry101strongarm at 4:08 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 19 June 2009 4:35 AM PDT
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