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He finished speaking as the referee jogged over and blew his whistle. Get your boys on the field coach, he commanded. Coach nodded and we ran onto the field and into our huddle. Billy got down on one knee. O.K. You heard Coach. I know it don’t make any sense but let’s give it a shot. Quarterback keeper on one and then get back to the line as soon as you can and run twenty two, blue fly go. Also on one. Both plays on one. He looked at Alan. Your show, man. Nobody said a word. We broke the huddle and went to the line. As I hurried to my spot I looked back and saw Alan and Billy in a hurried inchirieri apartamente bucuresti  conversation as they passed each other. Billy looked down the line and nodded at me as Alan sprinted to his position.

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I thought this a little strange but didn’t think much about it at the time. The ball was snapped and Billy immediately tucked the ball and ran around the end of the line and toward the center of the field. He made two or three yards before reaching midfield and being brought down by three Valley View defenders. He was on his feet in an instant and shouted for everyone to line up. The clock was still running and showed eighteen seconds as the Thief Hollow stands voiced their disapproval.

I ran back across the field and neared Alan, who was headed to the opposite side, the opponent’s side. He slowed and we slapped hands. Good luck, he shouted with a grin as he passed. I said inchirieri apartamente bucuresti nothing and continued to my spot near the Thief Hollow sidelines. My guts began to churn and I swear my palms were sweating, even though it would’ve been hard to prove in the driving rain. Something’s up, I remember thinking and dread, icy and paralyzing, swept over me. No, I whispered to myself as realization crashed over me and I began to tremble, even as the last man got into position and Billy started the audible. 

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Twenty two, blue fly go was Alan’s play; he’d scored countless times over the last two years on that one play alone, his blazing speed and soft hands proving too much for defenders to handle. I was also designated as a receiver on the play inchirieri apartamente bucuresti but my role was more of a decoy, someone to draw defenders away from Alan and provide blocking downfield after he caught the ball. I was never intended to be the primary receiver and, on that rainy Friday night in 1985, I didn’t want to be the primary receiver.

My emotions roiled inside me and I wanted nothing more than to go home and sit in the dark, away from the crowds and well-wishers, and be left alone in my misery. The last thing I wanted was the stigma of being the player who dropped what would have been the winning pass in Thief Hollow’s most important game in history.

I had dropped almost every pass that came my way that night and the thought of another, especially inchirieri apartamente bucuresti one so crucial, was unbearable. But as I looked down the line at Billy I caught his eye as he snapped the ball and knew without a doubt the ball was coming to me.