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Welcome to Breast Way Round


ShirleyAnn Barnes with her pink vestIn the darker months of 2007 ShirleyAnn Barnes from Kilmarnock, a long term sufferer of fibromyalgia, made the decision to organise a small motorcycle run for ladies around the West Coast of Scotland. The aim was to raise some funds for Macmillan Cancer Support. Little did she know the massive impact that this decision would have, and Breast Way Round was launched.

BWR LogoShirleyAnn was inspired to ride at the tender age of 41 years by her best friend Alyson Porter. When Alyson was diagnosed with cancer her bravery and fighting spirit inspired ShirleyAnn to do something worthwhile and due to the help that MacMillan Cancer Support gave to Alyson and her family during her treatment, so this was the charity that she choose to support.

The inital group of ladies (and men)On a bank holiday weekend in May 2008 around 65 riders took part in the first event, mostly women wearing bright pink mohicans and jackets and a few men who showed their support by wearing pink decorated bra's which always raised a smile. £26,500 was raised at this first event which far exceeded anyone's expectations.

Aly, the reason behind all of this.

Sadly, Aly died on 1st July 2008, just after the first event was completed. She wanted so much to be a part of it. Her spirit and determination now lives on, through what has become a yearly event.



MacMillan Cancer Support

macmillan cancer support Macmillan are very supportive in all aspects of the care they give. Not least the patient grants they award to people who find themselves in financial hardship due to this devastating disease. Statitics show that one in three people will be affected by cancer at some point in their life. The consequence is that seventeen percent of sufferers lose their home due to the financial hardship that ensues.


Our aims for Breast Way Round ...

ShirleyAnn with ChequeFUNDRAISING
To raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support

Many of the riders taking part in this event have had experience of the disease, either personally or through a loved one.  We found that most of the money raised last year was through sponsor forms.

Group Photo at Kilmarnock 2009FEMALES
To raise the profile of female bikers

We are here!

We are normal fun loving girls who like to ride motorcycles just like the guys. We have ’helmet hair’ and are proud of it! We don’t want to compete with the guys, we just want to ride.


Fun on the squareFUN!!
To make you feel a part of something GREAT!

It doesn’t matter what bike you ride: Sports, cruiser, trike or custom. Riding, making new friends and raising money for charity. How ’cool’ is that? You can do it! 

‘Feel the fear ‘n’ do it anyway!’ (Susan Jeffers)


To make this an annual event across the UK

If any of you gutsy women feel you want to co-ordinate similar events on the same dates, please contact us or join our forum. Can you imagine hundreds of pink-clad women all over the UK riding on the same day, raising money for MacMillan Cancer Support? That truly would be something special!