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What are Impact Windows? and Why do I need it?

What is Impact Glass:

Impact glass is also called monolithic or laminated glass.  What impact glass offers is increased strength and rigidity after breakage from impact compared  to your standard window or even tempered or heat strengthened glass.  This glass is comprised of two pieces of heat strengthened glass with a thin plastic inner layer mounted in a super strong frame much like your windshield is made in your car only much thicker and much stronger.

Insulated impact glass is actually three pieces of glass in a single frame.  It has the standard two pieces of glass filled with a plastic inner layer but it also has about a 1/4″-1/2″ void between it and a third piece of heat strengthened glass that is usually filled with Argon Gas.

If you look at the pictures below you will see

Impact Glass Low E Impact Sideview

Standard Impact Glass                                           Insulated Impact Glass

Why Do I Need Impact Glass?

The short answer:

  • Storm protection
  • 24/7 security Noise reduction
  • Climate control
  • Energy efficiency

The Long Answer:

During a storm, the atmospheric pressure inside your home remains constant because the windows and doors remain closed. Outside, the pressure rises in relationship to the storm’s strength. The differential in pressure is what can become dangerous.

Any piece of flying debris can penetrate the window and when this happens (even with just one window) your entire residence is at risk for catastrophic damage.

This is why impact windows are constructed with laminated hurricane resistant glass; Impact windows and doors are designed to withstand flying debris and remain intact keeping a seal on the opening for the duration of a storm.  The reason this is important is because of the significant amount of water damage that can occur during a hurricane.  In a severe storm with high winds, the window frame and glass will bend and create small exposed openings where water can penetrate. With storms that have high winds sustained for several hours, a home can literally take on hundreds of gallons of water.

In addition to the safety and protection from hurricanes and other storms, impact windows and doors help homeowners in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and The Keys in several other ways. Impact doors and windows are great for insulating noise offer additional safety from break-ins.   There are also options Vinyl or aluminum frames and for “Low-E” and insulated impact glass.  Insulated impact glass offers homes “Energy Star” ratings and in some cases, tax credits which can at times pay for the upgrade. No matter the brand, or whether you pick Vinyl or Aluminum frames with or without the Energy Star ratings and Low-E Glass treatments, you will inevitably find a significant difference in both your power bills each month and the interior environment of your dwelling.  Did we mention that quite possibly the best part about purchasing impact windows and doors is the money you can save on your homeowners insurance, in most cases 30% or more!

If your home is more than 20 years old and has never had a window upgrade, high impact windows may be your very best choice!

Impact does break, so in the instance Miami, Fort Lauderdale or The Florida Keys are impacted by a large storm it is Hurricane Management Groups professional opinion that you consider a secondary system such as panels, or accordions to protect the significant investment you are making in new windows as well as taking into consideration that you likely will be replacing glazing at the same time everyone else is after such storm, possibly taking weeks if not months.