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History Of The Illuminati: The Foundation and The Growth

Adam Weishaupt was born the 7 of February of 1748 in Ingolstadt, Baviera. His father was university professor of imperial institutions and of penal right of the University of Ingolstadt and their ancestors had Jewish origins. The young person Adam, student applied and equipped with great memory, did his first studies in the school of the Jesuits and she registered herself later in the right faculty, where she continued being intelligent worker and



The library of the baron of Ickstatt served Weishaupt to him to know works the French philosophers. And, thanks to an encounter with the Danish mystic Kolmer, who belongs to the mythological history of the Illuminati de Baviera, began in the Mysteries of the Wise people of Memphis.

With 25 years, Adam Weishaupt became titled professor. And, with 27 years, he reached the position of university professor of the faculty of canonical right of Ingolstadt and one definitively inclined by the Mysteries and the initiation, founding the 1 of May of 1776, in Ingolstadt, the Order of the Perfectibilistas, later denominated the Illuminati de Baviera.

Weishaupt, prisoner in the small city of Ingolstadt, was forced to direct it everything by via epistolar, but, although to the first meeting of the Order five members only went, immediately affiliated in the same one with tens of members. In a moment, the Illuminati opened lodges in Germany, Austria, Italy, Hungary, France and Switzerland.

Thanks to the dynamism of baron Adolf von Knigge, recruited for the Illuminati Bavarian by the Marquess of Constanzo, Weishaupt could relatively soon elaborate the Rite of the Illuminated ones of Baviera of thirteen degrees of initiation and, from 1778, group to a good number of members of interest. Very active Masón, Knigge also approached Weishaupt to the masonry, where it was initiated and it worked in the Teodoro Lodge of the Good Council of Munich.

As of 1778, between the members as soon as there was a twenty of students. The rest was made up of representatives of liberal professions: doctors, lawyers, judges, professors of grammar school (gymnasium) and university, directors of state schools, governing of provinces, members of the Imperial Camera of Wetzlar, stops civil employees of all the classes, and one releases list of barons and counts.


The 16 of 1782 July, in the famous Convent Masónico de Wilhelmsbad, where it emphasized the Strict Templaria Observance, different European masónicas Obediences refundaron the three degrees of the blue masonry (Apprentice, Companion and Teacher) and the Illuminati tried to federate under their authority all the European masonry, something useless by the visceral opposition of the Great Lodge of England and the reluctance of the Great East of Illuminated France and the Teósofos of the Swedish mystic Swedenborg.


The modern or speculative masonry took form in London in 1717, when the lodges the Apple tree, the Jar and the Cluster of Grapes, the Oca and the Grill and the Crown were united and founded the Great Lodge of London, soon called Great Lodge from England and Gran United Lodge of England. That modern masonry was founded by protestant shepherds, that is to say, by Christian clergymen, never initiated in a lodge, or rather by profane. Weishaupt knew those referring data masones the Great Lodge England and it denounced them in his writings, after the happened thing in the Masónico Agreement of 1782.

One of writings of Weishaupt said:

“… Who can show to me to the Lodge Mother? We have discovered that those of London were elevated to themselves in 1717. Preguntadles by its archives. They will explain to you that they were burned. They do not have anything, more than the miserable sophistications of the English Anderson and the Désaguliers French. Where is the Lodge of York that it tries to be previous, with its Rey Boudin, and his archives that it bought in the East? Those also are all burned. And what is of the chapter of the old Aberdeen and their sagrada clergy? We did not find incredible that those Masonic lodges, ignorance than all the ignorant, open breaches in the instruction of our deputies? We were not with the same in London? And we do not have to its missionaries between us, spying in our Mysteries, eager to learn of us what the True Masonry is? It is in vain, therefore, to appeal to the judges; they are not where they must be found; all demand for themselves the scepter of the Order; all really are in he himself place. They obtain followers, not by his authenticity, but because they lead to them towards the aim that they propose, and by the importance of such aim. They are rejected by good masons, since they are incompatible with the social happiness”.



In case outside little, some Martinists, disciples of Martinez de Pasqually (1727-1779), of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin (1743-1803) and of Jean-Baptiste Willermoz (1730-1824), were added to the attacks against the Illuminati from 1783. For example, they sent injurious pamphlets on the Illuminati to the Duchess widow Mariana de Baviera. In IX the Meeting of the Evenings of Saint Petersburg, the Martinists Joseph de Maistre, outstanding member of the Order of the Beneficient Horsemen of the City Santa of Jean-Baptiste Willermoz, finished off the attacks when affirming:

“The name of Illuminated occurs to those guilty men whom, in our days, they dared to even conceive and to organize in Germany, by means of the most criminal association, the horrifying project to extinguish of Europe the Christianity and the sovereignty. Claude occurs to that same name to the virtuous disciple de Saint-Martin who does not profess the Christianity simply, but that he does not work more than to rise to the sublime heights of that divine law”.

The Illuminati denounced the attacks of these Christian integrists, but nothing is better than to know the tasting the Martinism of the hand of illustrious masón and Martinista like Robert Ambelain, ex- Great World-wide Master of the Rite of Memphis-Misraïm. In its book the Masónico Secret (Martinez Rock, 1986), Ambelain demonstrated with tests that the founder of the martinismo, Martinez de Pasqually, was a embaucador and that their disciples hardly reached the “sublime heights” mentioned by Joseph de Maistre, being put under a farce. Ambelain wrote:

“… The masonic patent of Martinez de Pasqually, of whom never it presented/displayed more than a translation of his fist and letter (nobody never saw the original one), was a coarse falsification, with diverse errors in chronological and nominative matter. Contrary to his words, it did not have familiar archives, and it in accordance with composed his operative rituals the necessities and of the claims of his disciples. In short, their masonic knowledge were limited indiscretions gathered here and there, since it never belonged to the Great estuardista Lodge nor to the Great orangista Lodge. Therefore, after carrying out an investigation, the Great Lodge of France, that had recognized at the outset the lodges founded by him, decided to put them in the index with all its members”.


The 22 of June of 1784, the Voter of Baviera approved edicto by which he prohibited all society, confraternidad or non- authorized secret circle by the laws. In February of 1785, Weishaupt was dismissed of its chair and left exile to Regensburg (Ratisbona). When confirming itself the 2 of May the prohibition, the Illuminati were persecuted, prisoners, tortured… Few doubts that exist the inquisitorial atmosphere created by masones of the Great Lodge of England and the Martinists were taken advantage of by the preservative Power of the time to cause the fatal outcome.

At night of the 10 of 1785 July, abbot Lanz, the mail of Weishaupt, fell thundered against by a ray. Its body was transferred to the chapel of San Emmeran and appeared in its clothes some papers related to the noble aspirations of the Illuminati.

Weishaupt, that finished taking refuge in Gotha, survived forty and four years the inquisitorial persecutions happened in Baviera, passing away 18 of November of 1830. In those years, it wrote treaties of philosophy and, in the end, like Adolf von Knigge, betrayed his own work. It seems to be that, being then head of a numerous family, Weishaupt it varied his points of view in religious and political matter, becoming more sober and preservative. After 1787, in fact, it resigned to all active connection with initiatory orders and one approached the Church, becoming a species of Christian integrist and until unfolding a remarkable fervor in the construction of the Catholic Church of Gotha.

Thus one remembers in documents of the own Catholic Church. Adam Weishaupt died the 18 of November of 1830, “reconciled with the catholic Church, to which, like young professor, he had condemned to the death and destruction”, he relates the chronicle of the parish of Gotha.



The implication of some rest of you Illuminati in the French Revolution is beyond all doubt. In February of 1787, the Assembly of the Notables was carried out in France, summoned by Charles-Alexandre de Calonne. And, in the later years, 1788 and 1789, the Masonic lodge of Paris Amis Réunis received visits of some of the maximum Bavarian positions of the Illuminati already dissolved, like Johan Joachim Christopher Bode and the baron of Busche.

The creator of the Egyptian Masonry of Egyptian Rite, the famous Alessandro de Cagliostro, natural of Tunisia and initiate in the secrets of the Egyptian Masonry by the mysterious Altothas Teacher in 1776, year of the foundation of the Illuminati de Baviera, belonged to the Illuminati Bavarian and in the years previous to the French Revolution he walked by the same French lodges that these.




The 5 of May of 1789, the General States met in Versailles and the 14 of July the French town devastated Paris and took the strength from the Hem. The 4 of August, the National Assembly also suppressed the feudal regime and the 26 of August appeared the Declaration of the rights of the man and the citizen. The influence of the Illuminati in all this revolutionary process was a fact.

. Good part of the French revolutionaries was masons and illuminati. The Duke of Orleans, Saint-Just, Danton, Herbert, Lafayette, Mirabeau, Marat, Robespierre, Desmoulins was some of the names of the initiates and revolutionaries masons and illuminati. For example, he is known which Honoré-Gabriel Riquetti, the count of Mirabeau, received the initiation of the Illuminati Bavarian in Germany, in particular in house of Henrietta Herz.

Between 1789 and 1792, king of France Luis XVI was shut in in Paris and the 10 of August of 1782 the palace of the Tullerías finished occupied by the revolutionaries, who jailed to the real family. The 21 of January of 1793 the king was executed and the revolution initiated a somewhat violent period, although not as much as they have tried to make believe to us. The bloodthirsty and guillotine critics blaming of the revolutionaries, some masons and illuminati, are little solid and seem exaggerated. In any case, yes one is due to recognize that the antimonarchical aspirations of the Illuminati were seen partly fulfilled with the final fall of the French monarchy. The guillotine for example reflected the revolutionary idea of equality. It was light in comparison with the various tortures of the Catholic Church Inquisitions. The revolutionary French wanted equality even in the death of the enemies to the revolution.

In 1796, François-Noël Babeuf (1760-1797), organized the Conspiracy of the Equal ones to try to take the power and to restrain the right turn that had given the Revolution after the fall of the Jacobins that dominated the most violent period of the French Revolution. Babeuf was in favor of the Revolution from its beginning and attacked so much the terror of the Jacobins like the later conservatives.

The Conspiracy of the Equal ones, been born in the French Revolution, was an expression which it is known like revolutionary socialism, related to the Illuminati and its philosophy. Babeuf, in fact, was a man of them, the “most illustrious one of the rest of the Illuminati in biennium 1796-1797”, according to comments a secret document of the Illuminati.

The important thing, although always is inhaled to more, is than the blow given by the Revolution to the dominant class until then, the aristocracy, was more than accurate. It is possible to be affirmed that the Illuminati seeded the seed of the revolution in France, obtaining to see shaped good part of his ideario, although not everything.




Finished to the Revolution, the rest of the Illuminati they disappeared of Europe, being circumscribed to the United States of North America, although he is right to recognize that in Europe still they exerted a very remarkable influence on the Carbonari. Of this form, it agrees not to forget that the Carbonari Italian, a forest masonry arisen from the coal miners of the forests, whose origin goes back to the forests of Jura, had a certain nexus with the Bavarian rest of the Illuminati in their origin.


The Carbonari worked in cabins (lodges), had his or meetings were denominated sales and other “good cousins” were called a, being their norms written in a book to which they called the Bible. The Carbonari considered to Christ like first Carbonari and San Teobaldo like pattern. The Carbonari had their moment of maximum splendor in Italy of the beginnings of century XIX, participating in revolutionary processes like the Parisian revolution of 1830 and in the disturbances of the Pontifical States in 1831.

It is possible to say that the antiauthoritarian socialism of the Carbonarios was something similar to the one of the Illuminati Bavarian, although nationalistic, much more believing in Christ and God, etc., that the one of those. The famous initiate and Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872) was member of the Carbonarios. Pero Mazzini influenced in addition in the Mafia, which in its beginnings was an order iniciática that fought against the Napoleonic abuses, that is to say, an order defending of a nationalism in some points similar to the one of the Carbonarios. The acronym MAFIA, in fact, means furti Mazzini authorizes, incendi, avvelenamenti or Mazzini authorizes robberies, fires and envenenamientos.



The influence of the Illuminati Bavarian also reached to the greater philosopher of both last two centuries, the German Karl Marx (1818-1883), and to the philosophers of the libertarian socialism or anarchism (Bakunin, Kropotkin), being the direct descending Marx or Bakunin of the philosophy of the Illuminati.



Karl Marx, natural of Tréveris (Prussia, Renania), studied philosophy and nourished in his youth the group of the Hegelian of leftists, followers of the German philosopher Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831). For Hegel, the dialectic one is a contradiction process or fights, based on the affirmation or thesis, the negation or contradiction or antithesis of previous and the fusion of both or synthesis, that supposes to reach the Idea and an advance with respect to the previous situation. For Marx, the dialectic one is a process similar, although based on the matter. It assures that the matter and the man arise and evolve by the union of contradictory impulses. The internal impulse that appears of the matter, the contradiction and the fight of opposites, takes towards the development.

Marx dedicated the rest of his life too lay down the foundations of a scientific methodology of the scientific socialism or Communism, being their more outstanding works the Manifesto of the Communist Party and the Capital. The scientific socialism or Communism, as it was exposed by Marx, was based on the historical materialism, the fight of classes, the foundation of the communist party on the part of the proletariat one, the taking of the Power, the dictatorship of the proletariat one, the appropriation of production means, the distribution of the wealth, the elimination of the social classes and the State…

The anarchism of Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876), great philosopher who laid the foundations of the libertarian socialism or anarchism, defended the destruction of all authority, the State, the deprived property, by means of the revolution, the appropriation of production means, the collectivism (to each one the product of its work occurs him) and other measures. The later communist anarchism of Kropotkin pleaded to reject the collectivism that gave to everyone the product of its work, favoring the Communism and the equality of distribution.


The history of the Illuminati Bavarian finalized with the last disciples of Weishaupt, who, in some case, participated in the French Revolution and exerted other treated influences; what came later by North American earth was other people's or in opposition to the Illuminati Bavarian. Thus, the Bavarian rest of the Illuminati that went to stop to the United States of North America founded Bavarian illuminists’ orders that they betrayed to the Illuminati, its initiation and its philosophy, showing preference for the idealisms, Capitalism and the right wing thought.

In 1785, the Colombia Lodge of the Order of the Illuminati in New York constituted itself, with which they affiliated like Brothers the governor Of Witt; ancestor of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Clinton Roosevelt; Horace Greeley, director of the Tribune; and the very same Jefferson. And, from there, the Order of the Illuminati of the United States, whose name was, from the beginnings of century XX arose, Grand Lodge Rockefeller.

Some Bavarian North Americans illuminists orders that they have betrayed to the Illuminati, his initiation and its philosophy are the student brotherhood Phi-Beta, founded on 1776 by students of the William & Mary College, in Williamsburg, Virginia; the illuminists order Skull and Bones, or Skull and Bones, founded on 1832 by general William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft, two students of Yale who, peculiarly, were not admitted in the student brotherhood Phi-Beta of the University of Yale, in New Haven, Connecticut; among other similar.

Another example of the illuminist presence in EE.UU we found it, beside the point, in an historical fact: president F.D. Roosevelt, member of the Shriners, ordered that they appeared in the North American dollar the pyramid truncated with the triangle and the eye “that all sees it” (Bavarian symbol of the Illuminati), the thirteen steps of the pyramid (thirteen degrees of the Rite of the Illuminated ones of Baviera), the inscriptions in Latin Annuit Coeptis and Novus Ordo Seculorum, date 1776 (date of the foundation of the Illuminati de Baviera)…


On 1995, Gabriel Lopez de Rojas founded on Barcelona (Spain) the Illuminati Order, after contacting with two members of the Illuminati of the United States and the Operative Rite of the Illuminated ones of Baviera of thirteen degrees of initiation elaborated, within its System of denominated initiation Rojismo. From year 2000, the Illuminati Order began to extend by diverse countries. And, in later years, it spectacularly increased his number of affiliated anywhere in the world, being today in the five continents.

The Illuminati Order, next to Societas OTO, constituted in the winter of 2006 the Sovereign Rojista Republic, like new Supranational State for the great number of members of both orders. In 1 November of 2006, Gabriel Lopez de Rojas retired definitively of both orders and named a Supreme Advice made up of a triunvirato headed by the Frater Bakunin XIIIº like international person in charge of the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO, only organism from that date with responsibility to affiliate and to transmit degrees. The history of the Illuminati follows ahead with authentic the Illuminati Order and illuminati that honors the Bavarian tradition of the





The Illuminati Order was founded by Gabriel Lopez de Rojas in Barcelona (Spain), the spring of 1995, after contacting this one in 1994 with two members of the Illuminati of the United States. The first years of existence of the Illuminati Order (1995-1999) served so that his founder elaborated the Operative Rite of the Illuminated ones of Baviera and facing improving the infrastructure of the organization. < p> In July 1999, the Illuminati Order had few affiliated in Spain, in particular in Barcelona, Madrid, Valladolid and Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

From year 2000, the Illuminati Order began to extend by diverse countries. And, in later years, it spectacularly increased his number of affiliated anywhere in the world, being today in the five continents.

The Illuminati Order, next to Societas OTO, constituted in the winter of 2006 the Sovereign Rojista Republic, like new Supranational State for the great number of members of both orders.

In 1 November of 2006, Gabriel Lopez de Rojas retired definitively of both orders and named a Supreme Advice made up of a triunvirato headed by the Frater Bakunin XIIIº like international person in charge of the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO, only organism from that date with responsibility to affiliate and to transmit degrees.




The Illuminati Order is Para Masonic, Sovereign and Independent, inheriting an order of the Illuminati de Baviera de Adam Weishaupt, founded the 1 of May of 1776. Para Masonic is denominated, because it does not assume the Landmarks (norms) of the modern masonry, but has a Masonic tradition.

The Illuminati Order works with the Operative Rite of Illuminated of Baviera of the thirteen degrees of initiation, elaborated by Gabriel Lopez de Rojas. The Rite of thirteen degrees of the Illuminati Order is nourished of the degrees of the Rite of the Illuminated ones of Baviera of century XVIII; of the Old and Accepted Scottish Rite of 33 degrees; and of the initiate’s experience of Lopez de Rojas in several traditional routes of initiation like cabala.

The thirteen degrees of the Operative Rite of the Illuminated ones of Baviera are:

Noviciado (Iº)

Illuminated Minerval (IIº)

Illuminated Smaller and Iluminado Mayor (IIIº)

Masón Horseman (Apprentice IVº, Vº Companion and Maestro VIº)

Illuminated Leader (Sovereign Prince of Rosa Cruz VIIº

Horseman Kadosh VIIIº

Sovereign Great Chief inspector IXº)

Illuminated Priest (Xº)

Prince Iluminado (XIº)

Magician Philosopher (XIIº)

Hombre Rex (XIIIº)

And Rite Illuminated of Baviera the Operative Illuminati Order assume the System of initiation created by Gabriel Lopez de Rojas who denominates Rojismo.

