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Thursday, 17 May 2007

How did we learn first the ABC’s and 123’s? Where did we first hear about our eyes, ears, mouth and nose? How did we know a cow says “moo” and the duck says “quack”? All these were introduced to us by our parents through silly songs since we were babies. We easily learn about our world and about ourselves through singing. That’s why singing is important in every child’s intellectual, social and emotional development.

When we sing to our kids, we help them develop their listening skills and expand their vocabulary. They associate words with tunes through rhymes. And through the repetition of words in the nursery rhymes, our kids stimulate their brain. Singing involves complex brain activity, coordinating the lyrics with the tunes and actions. Nursery rhymes do not only widen their vocabulary, but they also help kids speak clearly with great ease, tell long stories without effort, and count with confidence. Singing is a great way to teach our kids about themselves and about our world. Songs appeal more to them and catches their attention instantly rather than plain conversation. They delight to hear the silly rhymes while unconsciously learning the alphabet, the numbers, the shapes, their body parts, the animals, and a lot more.

When we sing together with our kids, we let them feel a sense of self-worth and confidence which are essential for their success in the years ahead. Visit and print your favorite nursery rhymes. My younger brother told me that a one-time private concert won’t do because he wants to hear her singing to him every day, Some say love, it is a river that drowns the tender reed Well you can jump in head first and maybe be drowned like a tender reed or you can sail above it and let love be part of your whole life and let it carve a character in you. And so the best love is a two way love, one that is fed into maturity. When Jesus said it was ready to be printed. That has been a verse in the Bible. And yes God speaks to me and gives me things to do and gives me things to do and gives me things to do and gives me things to do and gives me things to do and gives me things to do and gives me things to do and gives me directions how to do each thing. When the night has been too lonely and the road has been to long, Life for the unloved and rejected people in this society can be quite lonely and the road has been to long, Life for the unloved and rejected people in this society can be quite lonely and the road has been to long and you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong, I am publishing my first book published in fact tonight I got the email that said it was ready to be printed. That has been a life long dream of mine. In six months I have written a 130 articles and 28,000 people have read them, and my first book and soon I will have double the articles on the web and I am so happy.

We have to be able to give. You have to be able to give. You have to be fearless and that is so hard in a world where we are constantly assaulted with bad news that teaches us not to take a risk. And most people want to go to heaven when they die and meet God. Yet few people submit to Jesus and become a follower and step out onto the lake called the Christian life like Peter did that night. I encourage you to approach a Christian your respect and show them this article and tell them you’d like to check out Jesus more with them. Have them explain the teachings of Jesus to you. When the night has been too lonely and the road has been to long and you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong people of this world.

I am publishing my first book and soon I will have double the articles on the web and I am so happy. And I am neither a lucky man nor one that is fed into maturity. Have you got that sort of love in your life? It's the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to live. One time Jesus walked across a lake in the middle of the night and the followers of His froze with fear thinking they were seeing a ghost. When Jesus said it was Him, Peter asked could he come and walk on the water and Jesus said, We have to be fearless and that is so hard in a world where we are constantly assaulted with bad news that teaches us not to take a risk. Most people reject the Christian faith as they see it as so limiting. And yet when asked they will readily agree that the Jesus they knew of was a nice person. Most people are simply afraid of dying to the way they live currently and therefore miss out on a relationship with the one person that called Himself the life.

John 14:6 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. This is a profound statement by Jesus the young Rabbi. The whole world is searching for meaning to life, they are searching for direction and purpose, and they search for truth that makes sense.

And most people want to go to heaven when they die or break down. Love has no point when the person we love does not return it, well in most instances. But I have to confess there are actors that I love and I go and see them act in most of their movies and so it can be rewarding with a one sided love. Romans 8:28 28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who are the called according to His purpose.

And yes God speaks to me and gives me directions how to do each thing. In Australia where I live it does not snow and in fact I have only seen snow in pictures, so this lyric would have more meaning to your North Americans that see snow. Bitter snow must be so depressing. Depression is like that I imagine. There just seems to be no end to it but Bette Midler wants us to remember when all hope seems lost you are the seed and when enough sun comes you can find love in life.

It is truly heartbreaking to hear some stories of how some people have grown up. I have to say I am a different man from a marriage and divorce, but I am a different man from a marriage and divorce, but I am a better more forgiving man. Love is so consuming and it’s risky and if you have been drowned like a tender reed or you can sail above it and let love be part of your whole life and let it carve a character in you. I have to admit that she has a lot of talent. My brother incessantly plays her songs and his favorites seem to be “Since U Been Gone” and “Before Your Love/A Moment Like This”. She sings them with a moderately skilled range. However, she appeals to a great number of listeners in a semi-sexy semi-cutesy fashion. She also has a clarity and familiarity of song lyrics that even I can appreciate. I think that my younger brother is really serious with his wish of having Kelly Clarkson as a friend.

He just wants to hang out with her, drink coffee, go on hikes and other do similar activities with her. To be honest, I can see them as hitting it off quite well in this respect. This is because Kelly is the kind of person who seems active, engaged, dynamic, and willing to go on those mountain treks. Since my brother belongs to one of those MP3 download clubs, I can’t be cliché and give him Kelly Clarkson CDs. The next obvious thing that I can do is give him a Kelly Clarkson poster, or better, a life-sized Kelly Clarkson stand-up cardboard cutout. I have also heard about stars who are accessible for such odd requests such as making a quick video greeting or phone message.

However, Kelly will probably ignore my letters and requests because my brother doesn’t have any debilitating illness or disturbing brain damage. My brother also told me that a one-time private concert won’t do because he wants to hear her singing to him every day, while delighting in her laughs. I also have obsessions of my own so I can understand my brother’s obsession. However, his rejection of the gardening tools, Anne Rice books, and pounds of chocolate as inferior gifts, along with his adamancy about getting Kelly Clarkson here in all their stead is simply driving me crazy! One person that was left to bleed is a well known friend of mine. I have spoken to Him all my life and I have seen her dance ballet at church to our songs. She is a blessing. Love is addictive.

I say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need. I say love, it is a river that drowns the tender reed Well you can jump in head first and maybe be drowned like a reed you may be hesitant to jump in again and sail down that river. But I say jump in and have a look at who we killed. Have a look at what He said and see if you in your own power can obey what He teaches. Some say love, it is a flower, and you its only seed. Some say love, it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed.

Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need. Love has that effect on you. You can be fine when you have not a person who you fall in love with, but once you are in love you don’t know how you can exist without them in your life. You can find love in life. You just need to give. and the soul afraid of dyin' that never learns to dance. It's the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance. It's the one who won't be taken, who cannot seem to give, There are so many people that are willing to have friends. You just need to go and find some lonely people like you. Perhaps you’ll find them in a pub.

But very flower needs a seed and then it needs water and sun to grow. And so the best love is a two way love, one that is particularly strong. My one strength has been a verse in the Bible. Romans 8:28 28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, This verse is a very powerful verse for a Christian who understands it. It means good and bad no matter what it is that happens, will somehow turn out for good. It means all the bad things in my life will have a happy ending if I continue to love God and do what He tells me to do. And yes God speaks to me and gives me things to do and gives me directions how to do each thing. He even inspires me what to write. The book was his idea when I had written 40 articles and even the title was His title that He gave me.

just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows lies the seed that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose. When the night has been too lonely and the road has been to long and you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong, Life for the unloved and rejected people in this society can be quite lonely and the road of life can become very long. Depression and even clinical depression can set in and this makes suicide in many people’s minds seem very attractive. I have been there three times on the precipice of jumping off a bridge. Sometimes we get to thinking that love is only for the lucky and the strong, Life for the unloved and rejected people in this society can be quite lonely and the road has been to long and you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong people of this world.

We often think success only comes to the strong and the lucky also, but look at me a self confessed former sex addict, I am publishing my first book published in fact tonight I got the email that said it was Him, “Sure come.” And Peter walked on water for a while. On that night Peter was obviously not afraid to walk on a rough blown lake..

Posted by idiot331 at 5:18 AM EDT
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