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A-cknowledge that you know what to do

B-elieve that you have the ability to do it

C-ourage do what needs to be done

D-eciding that today is the day

E-njoying the journey

F-orgiving yourself and moving on

G-oing for your goal

H-earing the compliments

I-nviting success into your life

J-ournaling everything that goes in your mouth

K-eep coming to WW when you feel like quitting

L-oving yourself enough to change your lifestyle

M-aking delicious meals

N-ot ever giving up on yourself

O-ffer to share your new knowledge with others

P-atience with the journey...the weight did not come on overnight

Q-uiet time for yourself

R-emind yourself all of the reasons you are doing this

S-elf-talk that is positive and repetitive

T-urning to solutions instead of food for "problems"

U-sing all of your "tools" for success

V-isiting other meetings during the week if you need support

W-anting success with your weight loss more than you want that "treat"

X-erox copies of your favorite recipes

Y-ou alone can do this, but you don't have to do it alone

Z-ero in on your goals and move toward them one pound at a time