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Welcome to Staci Otto's Web Page

I am currently a student at Lincoln College. I am working on this web page for Introduction to Internet class. To see all that we did in this class please veiw my class blog.

As a student I am studing photograghy. I don't know where I am going to transfer when I graduate from here. I probably transfer to the Lincoln College up in Normal, Illinois if they have a photograghy progarm up there.

I live in Illinois for most of my life but I was born in Florida. I have an older brother and sister.

My favorite thing about college is you are not stuck in a building all day. You can get an hour or two breaks between classes. In my case I have the afternoons off everyday.

I hope to use this information in the future to make a website for a buseness that I start.

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© Staci Otto,2007