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The Lords of Karma, additionally called the Fantastic Karmic Board are 8 rose masters who are designated to assist settle humanity's karma in the most efficient and compassionate way. These eight beings are conciliators between the perfection of the law as well as the imperfection of the human condition.
The Lords of Karma adjudicate the cycles of individual karma, group karma, national karma and world karma. They daily weigh the equilibrium of mankind's use of time as it influences the spiritual environment of the planet within the solar system as well as the galaxy. These fantastic beings consistently apply the regulation in a manner that will give individuals the very best opportunity for spiritual progression. When spirals of unfavorable karma can no more be kept back as well as should be launched right into the earth as a stabilizing action, the ascended master Cuzco as well as his group of researchers do all they could to reduce the severity of cataclysm. If mankind will certainly invoke the violet fire in sufficient step, that karma and its destructive impact can be transmuted in huge action before it strikes the bodily aircraft, alleviating the possible devastation.
The Karmic Board is consisted of the Great Divine Director, that brings his drive of magnificent direction to the team, and that holds within his causal physical body the divine plan of every heart assigned to planet. We also find the Siren of Liberty, champ of the suppressed; Nada, the great Caretaker of the Flame of Life; Pallas Athena, Siren of Truth; Portia, Siren of Justice; Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercy as well as the Elohim Cyclopea, which focuses the action of the all-seeing eye of God. Recently, Vairochana, speaker for the 5 Dhyani buddhas additionally joined the Karmic Board, providing the excellent momentum of light of these 5 holy buddhas, together with their antidotes to the five poisonous substances.
The Karmic Board preachers to each soul, together with the spirit's very own Mighty I AM Visibility and also Holy Christ Self, establishing when, where and in what family a soul will symbolize. All spirits pass prior to the karmic board prior to as well as after each manifestation in the world. Prior to entering into embodiment once again, they are given the life objective that will be theirs to accomplish, in addition to a review of the karmic part from previous lifetimes that they will certainly need to balance in the new life. After the adjustment called death, souls pass before the karmic board once again for a life testimonial, which was so well explained by near-death survivor Dannion Brinkley in his book, Conserved By the Light as well as in the meeting priced quote below:
When you decrease that tunnel to a brilliant as well as lovely light, you're met by a Spirit Being. After the tunnel, you lift out of your physical body and also realize that you are a power being. Most of us think we're such bad, dismal, little humans trying to have a mystical experience —-- when actually we're fantastic, awesome, effective spiritual beings attempting to have a human encounter. You come to a place where you see your entire life pass before you in a 360-degree scenic view. You miss out on nothing. You see your birth. After that you see your life from a second-person point of sight. You actually become everyone that you have actually ever before come across, and also you really feel the direct outcomes of your interaction in between yourself which person.
You have an opportunity to eliminate on your own. You examine your life as if you were the person that you were influencing with your habits. I had to feel the pain that I inflicted on others and the harm that I had done, both physically, psychologically, and also mentally. But sense of guilt has nothing to do with it." Do unto others as you would certainly have others do unto you" since you truly are them.
The karmic board establishes when a soul has balanced sufficient karma and sufficiently satisfied their dharma (spiritual labor) to gain the ascension in the light. The karmic board is additionally involved when a soul has created so much adverse karma, life time after lifetime, in rebellion against God that it have to be attempted on trial of the Sacred Fire on Sirius as well as taken in by the Motto light. This event, referred to as the second fatality, though awful, is really an excellent mercy of the law for the heart who is no more able or ready to balance its karma.
In Ancient Egypt, this entire procedure prior to the Lords of Karma was related to the Siren Ma'at, a Divine Mother figure whose name actually implied fact in Egyptian.
The Egyptians thought that deep space was a purchased and logical area, that operated with predictability, and also uniformity and consistency of cycles. In the moral ball. Both ethically and also physically, deep space was in excellent balance considering that pureness was compensated and also sin was punished. Considering that of Ma'at, the Egyptians recognized that every little thing in the universe dealt with a pattern, which the Greeks later called logos. Ma'at was truth, order, equilibrium, consistency and also justice personified. She represented all things right as they must be. The Egyptians assumed that if Ma'at really did not already existing, deep space hads become mayhem, again.
Ma'at was likewise the judge of the Egyptian abyss. Souls of the deceased had to go via the Halls of Ma'at where they encountered a tribunal of Gods. The departed individual's heart was placed on a range opposite the Feather of Ma'at. Thoth (Hermes) weighed the heart. If the deceased was located to not have actually maintained Ma'at throughout his life by existing, unfaithful, killing or somehow transgressing the principles of Ma'at, his heart was devoured as well as he passed away the final fatality. If the heart was without the contaminations of sin, it was light as the plume of Ma'at, and the left heart was enabled to go on the immortality. More information visit.