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This picture is a Spiral Galaxy. The assigned name for it is NGC 3370, This type of galaxy has an intricate spiral arm found in the constellation of Leo, this galaxy and its relatively new star show a large amount of floating hot gas, about 10 years ago the star had a tremendous explosion which was seen extremelly good on Earth, much better than most common supernova explosions. This particular galaxy resides 98 million light years from our galaxy.






Galaxy is a rare and beautiful galaxy located 500 million light-years away in the constellation Sculptor in this particular image we see a nearby galaxy intruding and colliding with the other one. Like a rock tossed into a lake, the collision sent a ripple of energy into space, plowing gas and dust in front of it. This intrusion created by it's neighboring galaxy created a gigantic ripple of new star formations that expands 150,000 light years across.