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Hemorrhoid or Piles is a medical ailment which refers to swelling in the veins around anal region. Hemorrhoid can occur either internal or external. While sever pain and irritation accompany external hemorrhoid, Internal hemorrhoid are painless as the inside of anal canal doesn’t has pain receptors. Though Hemorrhoid is a quite common medical condition and can occur to anyone, yet several people such as senior citizens, obese and pregnant ladies are most susceptible of getting hemorrhoid. It’s been observed that over eighty percent of US population suffer from hemorrhoid at some point of there lives. Though hemorrhoid condition is extremely painful, it’s usually not life threatening. Sometimes hemorrhoid may also lead to anemia if the veins crack due to excess of pressure.


There are several factors which cause anemia. Most prominent reason is an unhealthy lifestyle. Hemorrhoid usually occurs to those who sit around for a long period of time. This puts lots of pressure on veins in the anal region. Bad postures also play a role. Eating too much of fast food also creates problem. People who don’t live an active lifestyle can also be a victim of hemorrhoid. It’s also common in pregnant ladies and those who suffer from prolonged constipation, creating excess of pressure while excreting.


If someone is suffering from hemorrhoid it’s not possible to manage it and get rid of it eventually. All one needs to do is take some necessary steps and bring changes in his life style. The medical treatment which you are going to get depends on the stage and the severity of the ailment. During initial stages doctors may prescribe you to have warm bath regularly at frequent intervals. You may also have to apply some ointment on the hemorrhoids. It’s advisable to increase more fiber and water in your diet. This will help in softening the stool which can easily pass through the anal canal. If the condition is aggrieved, you may have to go under a minor surgery to get rid of hemorrhoids. There are several modern techniques which are painless and completely safe. Once you get rid of hemorrhoid its important to undertake some important changes in your lifestyle such as exercising, avoiding spicy food, taking lots of water and food with fiber content, etc.  


Hemorrhoid can be an embarrassing problem but as it comes with acute pain it’s important that you go for immediate treatment. There is no need to suffer silently when you have qualified medical staff available to treat hemorrhoid.   


I was suffering from Hemmroids and was trying to find a solution on how to treat hemorrhoids and then I came across Avatrol which helped me a lot in curing hemorrhoids. This proved out to be the simplest and the most effective method for me.