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Everyone has a different reason for being a vegetarian and they are all great reasons. Whether it is out of concern for your health to lose weight to help the environment for the love of animals or wanting to promote peace through a violence free diet and helping to appease world hunger through a vegetarian diet I applaud your motivation.

If you're looking to lose some extra pounds and excess weight using an effective weight loss diet you're about to find the answer. This article features a few effective and quick ways to lose weight in a healthy manner. It is needless to mention that there are unlimited approaches to weight loss but the one which has been proved to be the healthiest by medical sciences is based on reduction of calories in the diet that not only allows you to lose weight but keep it off for as long as you want.

Obesity is close to the top of the list of causes of death in the USA. Preventable perhaps for some.

Reasons why people gain weight. Both a survey of reasons from people and professionals. Who is really to blame for being over weight?

Houston Weight loss


There are so many diet formulas available in the market. The competition is so high that many of these companies claim that they are selling weight loss pills that work because it is made from the latest scientific breakthroughs and studies.

If you are looking to lose some weight then you must burn more calories than you consume. This article discusses the best exercise for burning calories and speeding up the weight loss process.

A series of Italian studies has found that undergoing lap band surgery reduces a patient's odds of dying by nearly fifty percent over an average study period of seven to eight years. Weight loss surgery can produce a sustained reduction in body weight, at a level that is very difficult to achieve with other common obesity-management strategies, stated Dr. Luca Busetto of the University of Padova. In Houston, there are many people who can benefit from the lap band procedure, improving their and possibly saving their lives in the process.

The researchers tallied about 3,300 deaths across the studies: 2.8 percent of those who had a bariatric procedure and 9.7 percent among similar patients who did not have surgery. This translated into 45 percent lower odds of dying with bariatric surgery. A similar benefit was found when the team looked specifically at heart-related deaths.

Compared to no surgery, the lap band provided 29 percent lower odds of heart-related death, report the researchers in the Annals of Surgery. After drastic reductions in pounds, patients tend to find that they need fewer medications for the treatment of obesity-related conditions, and that they take fewer sick days. While the operation may cost more than other treatments in the short term, said Busetto, "weight loss obtained by bariatric surgery may also save money over time."

Lap band surgery, also know as gastric banding, involves wrapping a saline-filled silicone band around the upper part of the stomach, causing patients to feel full more quickly. Saline can be added or removed, making the constriction adjustable. Compared to other weight loss procedures, gastric banding is reversible and introduces a lower chance of severe complications and even surgery-related death.

Los Angeles weight loss

For obese individuals considering weight surgery, Busetto recommends going to a center that has the ability to perform both bypass and banding and making sure there is an honest discussion of the short- and long-term pros and cons of each procedure before choosing one. In Houston, there are many opportunities to attend a free informational seminar, where a board-certified surgeon can address any questions and concerns.

Millions of people in America today are battling obesity or are overweight.   In today's fast-faced, fast-food and pizza world it can be incredibly difficult to eat right and lose weight.  There are so many diet plans, weight loss centers and "miracle-pills" out there, that it is hard to know where to turn in your weight loss battle.  On your journey to sustained weight loss and weight wellness it is important to have a strong ally, a person or organization that will help you along the way.

A great option for people who are overweight or battling obesity is a weight loss clinic.  Weight loss clinics offer a wide variety of services in order to help patients reach their goal weights.  Some weight loss clinics employ life-coaches, dieticians, counselors and even medical doctors.

Some features common to weight loss clinics are –

Initial evaluation:  Most weight loss and weight wellness clinics will begin with an initial evaluation and many clinics will offer this evaluation free of charge.  In order to design an appropriate weight loss plan, information such as family history, past medical history, and previous experience with weight loss is required.  We will also give the patient an overview of the weight loss plan, which can include a diet plan and exercise.  The consultation also includes a base line exam, including vital signs, weight, body fat analysis and measurements.

Customized weight-loss plan:  Virtually all weight loss centers will provide patients with a weight loss or diet plan.  The best weight loss clinics will work with you to come up with a customized weight loss plan tailored specifically to your needs and strengths.  Weight loss plans can include appetite suppressants, pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements, diet modification and an exercise plan. 

hollywood weight loss

Pharmaceuticals:  Pharmaceuticals are only suggested for some patients.  Pharmaceuticals are most often used to "break the cycle" and often result in quick weight loss which can lead to increased activity and sustained weight loss.

Neatraceuticals:  Neatriceuticals are natural supplements that have nutritional and weight loss value.

Diet plan:  A customized weight loss plan will include a diet plan.  The diet plan is often the most important part of your weight loss battle.  Changing habits and diet is important to sustain weight loss.  Decreasing caloric intake with concentration on the right kinds of calories is the key.  The hallmark of sustained weight loss is by increasing the BMR.  The BMR is the amount of calories ones burns while resting and is directly related to muscle mass and tone.

Weight loss surgery:  There are times when obesity or being over-weight is caused by a person's biological make up.  In cases such as these, your weight loss clinic and/or weight loss doctor may suggest bariatric surgery, or weight loss surgery.

Battling obesity or being overweight can be a big challenge.  Many people try and struggle for years attempting to lose weight.  You need a strong ally in the weight loss battle and a weight loss clinic can be just that.  When dieting and trying to lose weight it is important to be well-educated about the various options there are to help you.  Weight loss clinics often employ specialized weight loss doctors in order to give you the most expert help on your journey to a healthier you.