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Guidelines For Before Using Cloud Storage


There are many companies offering cloud host today. With their services, it is possible to upload files, videos and documents on the internet. These files can be stored as backup copies or shared to various people. Best thing about cloud storage is the fact that the files you have uploaded can be accessed anywhere, so long as you have a mobile phone, tablet, laptop or pc. However, there are things that should be kept in mind when using cloud for storage.

It is important that you know the different accessibility levels for cloud storage. These levels exists because it is necessary to give you the option of limiting your files if you want. Your files can be set to private. You can keep it public for others to see. Or you can just keep it shared to a few people.

When it comes to cloud storage, having a strong password is a must. The reason for this is to at least tighten the security of your files. Files over cloud storage are not 100% safe because of hackers. They might try to break your password just to see your files. If the password is difficult, hacking will become difficult for them.

Always check and review the terms and conditions of the cloud provider. A lot of people fail to understand how important it is to read the terms and condition. It is important to know what the provider would secure and what they wouldn’t. This would also tell the things you shouldn’t do.

The most important thing to do is to be cautious in storing the things you want to store. Yes, there are cloud services promising high levels of security but that doesn’t mean it is perfect security.


Funny Joke

Another very funny joke which I have found. Hahah:



"Knock Knock. Who's there! Asa! Asa who! Asa-int amongst men!"


My Life... Revealed

If you have not don't know by now please let me welcome you to my first journal, I am a colleague you may depend on.

In incredibly brief notice you will discover the level of amusement I get by means of biking. Of course this isn't the only activity I am into. Of course you are certain to get to know much more about me in the following months while reading my impending blog posts. So up to the point we meet yet again, I wish you well wishes pal.

And before I fail to remember, I desired to let you understand about a favorite quote. “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” - Les Brown