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To empower healthcare enablers and providers to reach and engage consumers using mix of offline strategies and onaline solutions.



We are a healthcare focused company providing digital services and products for providers, practitioners and other stakeholders. We enable healthcare institutions to reach, engage and retain patients. The company provides healthcare focused products and services in data analytics, digital marketing, patient engagement and digital footprint creation.



Are you looking for ways to optimize revenues? Are you looking for marketing solutions for your requirements? Are you looking to build your brand?

 Whether you have your own team or looking for outsourcing, we provide solutions and packages to help you achieve your business objectives. Our personalized solutions and implementation let you drive your engagement with your patients.


1. Strategy & Planning

For every business, it is essential to have a strategic plan or to develop a business strategic planning process which guides people of the organization in taking decisions while following the strategy.

Leadership or management team sets the desired mission and objectives of the organization. Over a period, these are translated into business objectives at various levels and departments.

Initial analyses, using simple tools such as SWOT, help in determining the current capabilities and state of the business. Thereafter, it is important to identify ways to achieve organizations’ aspirations and goals. Most importantly, a concrete implementation or execution plan, which clearly defines the activities, timelines, roles and responsibilities, alongwith measurable milestones must be made and shared within the organization.

At Digital Orbit, our team helps in each phase and closely work with stakeholders to achieve the desired objectives.


2. Business Analytics

Business Analysis to help revenue generation

Business analytics in healthcare industry can be helpfull to generate revenue. The application of analytics in healthcare requires the transformation of data into usable information that can be relayed back to end-users. The adoption of EHRs and other electronic data mechanisms makes the application of analytical tools more tractable by providing the basic electronic data upon which to act. This coincides with the rise of the “data scientist,” a term sometimes applied to those who use analytics and can serve as a one-stop shop for data management, analysis, and interpretation of electronic data. In healthcare, this is particularly important for translating electronic bits into meaningful data which can help a hospital generate more business and profitability to justify the RoI.

Understanding the healthcare sector and its know how, we have experienced the challenges w.r.t implementation of analytics in hospitals and have avoided the pitfalls of this critical activity.


3. Digital Goals

In today’s world, we are moving fast towards a Digital platform, having almost all the services on the fingertips of the consumers for convenience. Healthcare industry is also progressing towards integrating the digital technology in healthcare along with the regular practices to understand and serve the patients better.  In today’s online world, there is a great opportunity in healthcare to use digital media to educate, inspire, motivate and engage the target audiences.

ORBIT offers a comprehensive solution to maximize the reach of the healthcare providers to their patients and target audience. The essence of marketing, in healthcare industry derives to the recall and loyalty of a customer; to spread the word of mouth on social platform such as Facebook, Google +, twitter, etc. and advocate for the brand.

  • Digital Marketing
  • Digital Branding

  • Website Design SEO SEM

  • Patient centric approach

  • Personalized tools & reports

4. Marketing

One of the most curious dynamics in hospital marketing is that a hospital tries to attain an unbelievable position with the patient. On the other side, the patient doesn’t care.

In general, majority of population is relatively healthy. Healthcare services are availed only in cases of serious medical need, accident/emergency or ongoing treatment for a chronic disease. In other words, the consumer apply “no interest” in hospital or related service points.

To make matters even more challenging, various forces—broadly labelled “healthcare reform”— including remote consultation e.g. telemedicine, video consultation, ask your queries over phone, chat, email are continuously disrupting the playing field and are revising the rules of the game in mid-play.

Further, intense competition among general hospitals and other providers increases the continuing need for marketing your services to reach more and more patients.

In lieu of this complex operating environment in healthcare sector, hospital marketing services are an important means to achieve new business(consumer), patient satisfaction, quality of care, physician relations, brand management and many other critical performance goals.

Creating a marketing strategy and plan for hospital is not a piece of cake. The key objective is to satisfy the numerous and various internal demands, and to do so with limited (often shrinking) resources in terms of budget, human resource, time duration.

It’s not an easy task, but a comprehensive marketing need to provide the insight and the tools to anticipate, assess, prepare, build a road map to follow, create/build necessary support systems, position yourself in market, and specifically define the measure of your marketing success.

It needs to be a cohesive and well-coordinated plan that effectively reaches various audiences and serves or supports a range of service lines/departments in a variety of service areas/specialities.

Beyond the well-known fundamentals of healthcare marketing and advertisement, many hospitals will continue to climb the learning curve. An effective, results-driven marketing plan will include the following points in consideration:

Amalgamation of Traditional media with digital media – Often we think, and sometimes believe, that traditional media—print, direct mail, television, etc. – has been eradicated by online options such as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, websites, content generation and the other extremely popular forms of social media. In fact, we experience it otherwise. A well-tuned marketing plan will integrate the strengths of both traditional and digital media.Follow your target audience(s) – Healthcare sector is changing slowly with time and innovations which are impacting the services provided by hospitals. It is changing from practitioner centric to patient centric sector. Hence, the changes in healthcare are tightly connected to how the consumer (patient) is changing, where and how they find medical information, and their provider- and hospital-selection process. To be effective, hospital marketing must adopt flexibility and understand changing habits and new attitudes of the intended audience groups. “Start fishing where the actual fishes are” .

Patients are not reluctant to adapt to a change, try new ideas and new means of communication. For a hospital, to keep pace with them, it requires a willingness to test and apply concepts, even when they are outside of well-worn comfort zones.

Patient need treatment. Doctor needs professional satisfaction. Hospital needs new business. Hospital marketing is complex, but we make the choices simpler.


5. Patient Engagement

Patient engagement in healthcare has been a rapidly emerging movement and buzzword in the healthcare industry from quite some time. Some say, “The progress of healthcare will largely depend on patient engagement strategy and its execution”. Others have argued that healthcare is moving from doctor specific service industry to patient centric service. All initiative shall have patient important place at objective of any marketing campaign.

Consumers are becoming more trusting of healthcare information online. Social media and patient portal use for healthcare data have also seen significant growth. We are living in a connected and engaged society. The Internet allows us to get what we want on demand at our fingertips. Patients and consumers have started placing these same expectations on healthcare.

Benefits of improved patient engagement include:-

Reduced costs Increased communication Increased patient satisfaction, experience Population health Increased Referrals Recall at time of need Challenges Of Patient Engagement

For healthcare institutions and medical practices, successful patient engagement relies mainly on a cultural and corporate behavioural shift. Hospitals and the administration departments must be prepared to face obstacles w.r.t operational and implementation challenges, workforce reluctance and use of technology.

Contact us now to find out how ORBIT can help you with patient engagement solutions, improving satisfaction and Return on Investment (RoI).


6. Brand Management & PR

Brand represents people’s perception of your business based on customers’ experience. Brand building strategy involves a series of planned activities using promotional strategies and advertisement so that your brand lives in the hearts and minds of your customers.

Brand impacts business in multiple ways – creates loyal customers, retains employees,  connects your services emotionally, builds trust, enhances credibility and attract new customers.

Public relations play a crucial role in building brand of a company. Public relations has the ability to reach a wide range of audience to share the perceptions for brand building.


Our Approach

We intend to engage with our clients on a business level in ways that are beneficial and convenient because We put ourselves in the shoes of our clients to think about the challenges, work out possible solutions and execute them. Most importantly, we recognize that there is no “one size fits all” approach in the world of marketing. Therefore, we work alongwith your team on customized solutions, tailored execution plans and ambitious yet realistic targets so that we can together create and deliver value for all stakeholders.


Get in Touch with us

0124-4046 721