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Many compassionate dog owners, when faced with the necessity of boarding their dog while vacationing, traveling for business, camping, or entertaining out-of-town guests are turning to home-style dog boarding as an alternative to placing their dogs in the chain-link and concrete bunkers offered by common dog boarding kennels.Home-style dog boarding offers your lovable pet an alternative home atmosphere where they can be treated like a family member complete with regular routines and daily activities.


In addition, a critical component to ensuring that you have a healthy happy dog is a daily exercise routine. It is absolutely at top priority and should never be skipped. Unfortunately, like everyone else, dog owners are faced with a shortage of time due to hectic and demanding lifestyles. Many people find it difficult to get enough exercise themselves let alone spending an additional thirty minutes a day minimum conducting a vigorous disciplined walk to properly exercise there dogs. As a result, many dogs live in a state of over excitement, and many dog owners end up suffering the consequences.


If you can't imagine the prospect of leaving your dog caged up in a pen for up to 20 hours a day while you are enjoying your vacation. Or, you find you and your dog suffering from consequences of over excitement due to lack of exercise and or being alone all day at home, then home-style dog boarding or dog day care may be the answer that you have been looking for.


Home-style dog boarding and day care facilities are typically climate-controlled and pesticide-free. They provide frequent human contact with care providers such as petting, play time, walks, and treats. Care providers are dedicated to following your instructions regarding your dog's feeding, medications, and appropriate behavior. Most home-style providers offer amenities such as fireplaces, slumber rooms, fully furnished kitchens, living, and dining rooms. Some offer pools, TV's, and sun decks. And most have regular access for your dog to play in a fenced yard.


Home-style dog boarding and dog day care allows dogs to roam freely around and feel like they are at home. As a result, dogs becoming more social, get lots of exercise, and return home happy. This is a welcome relief for dog owners worried about there dog having separation anxiety while they are gone. Owners travel with peace of mind knowing that their dogs are having fun while they are away. Many owners report that after a day of daycare, or an overnight stay, their dogs come home and curl up in their sleeping areas for extended periods of rest indicating that they have had a ball while they were gone. Most dogs who stay in a home-style boarding and dog day care facility are clearly excited when they return for another stay because they know these are places where they can roam free, play, and socialize!