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Tooth whitening is maybe the easiest and cheapest type of cosmetic dentistry you can tap to simply to make a good first impression. People choose for this cosmetic dentistry way if they are only after successful the color of their teeth and nothing more.  The tooth whitening procedure is exact stress-free. For example, with at home tooth whitening solutions, you get a ‘whitening Kit’. This will contain directions and resources for you to make your own teeth impression, which you then send off to an accepted dental lab.

The impressions are used to generate a customized tray for you, which you then use to put the whitening gel on (also provided in the whitening kit). From here, it’s just a matter of using the whitening tray and gel as often as you like till you get the level of whiteness you desire.

Average Cost: $125 and above per tooth whitening system (includes gels, trays, etc).

Main Pros: cheap; easy to perform, suitable to apply.

Main Cons: requires maintenance. for more info please visit on