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Get Our HiGains' Money Capital & Our HiGains' Profit Returns Rates
<\br>By Most Rapid Profits Growth Using Our Patentable TOPP BIZ@ Programs

Get 140% to +200% return-gains in about a year on your together with our unlimited additional capital, using our TOPP BIZ@ to be patented, rapid greater earnings means for your qualifying, profitable existing (or to be profitable new subsidiary) enterprise, larger ones preferred. Confidential, proprietary details and your application for your signed statement to keep confidential by not disclosing or using our information and your $500 business check to HHCC-TCU Enrichments College, P.O. Box 1661, Milwaukee, WI 53201.

Please hurry to have faster processing times to get our capital and your gains before others overwhelm our time.

Patentable Enrichments College@ Enterprise Business Strategies Most Quickly Maximize Equity Values

Enrichments College@ will seek business strategy patents on our unique, exclusive and much better business methods of:

(1) Unique, proprietary enterprise organization means that avoid securities and other regulatory costs and problems;

(2) TOPP BIZ@ concepts and creation process, structures and operations for extremely high growth rate, profitable, new businesses;

(3) Troubled business workout concepts and restructuring process that no others use, know of or even realize are possible;

(4) Unique and proprietary enterprise capital raising means that avoid loans and creditor and investor loss risk problems;

(5) Different banking and lending arrangements with no depositor loss risks (other than their currency value), without the 1/12% cost of the bankrupt FDIC guarantees. This can and should be used and patent protected world-wide.

(6) No default real estate mortgage concepts and structures that have tested to have zero lender losses under all past events;

(7) Defaulted real estate mortgage loan restructure concepts and their implementing processes that maximize values for all;

(8) There are additional new financial, insurance and other large demand consumer and business products whose business strategies should be similarly patentable and be patented.

(9) Our exclusive and proprietary Money, Economics, Government, Security and Survival@ or MEGSS@ plans, that would have prevented its financial failure if GM had gotten and followed one.

(10) A multimedia communication distribution and selectable area advertising means that could replace newspapers, radio and television, and which require no licensing to operate.

(11) Exclusive multiple means for almost all vendors to increase sales, profits and value by providing huge benefits to customers.

(12) A possibly business strategy patentable large value creation means for our tax exempt college and church enabling donors and businesses to obtain more net cash benefits from their assistance to help our needy than from their selling their goods or services.


And on many additional patentable business strategies that enable new and existing businesses to rapidly grow earnings.

The concepts names (@) and text herein (including of this proprietary property agreement) are proprietary and protected by both US copyright and by your agreement on viewing this to not appropriate for purposes other than our purposes, concepts, text and/or names. Violation agreed substabntial liability amounts and terms available on request. Please do not violate.

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