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It is the little things we sometimes brush off that hide truths far larger than we imagine.

As WW2 came to a close and victory was certain, Hitler claimed to have a wonder weapon that would help Germany win the war. This is often cited as a sign of his growing insanity.

Hitler was not lying.

In Berlin, during this time, a flying disc was sighted. At the same time seven members of the Vril society vanished along with several high ranking German officers.


Under the Atlantic ocean a U-boat was enroute to Argentina. An argument regarding a proposition of heading to America and surrendering to the Americans erupted. The argument escalated to the point of gunfire. An explosion occurred and the pressure hull of the sub was compromised. Before power was lost the skipper of the vessel flipped a switch and time stopped.


As the Foo Fighters made their last desperate attempt at freedom, the opening closed trapping them inside.


How do I know these things?


In 1954 there was a Roswell like crash in Pennsylvania. Three of the drones survived, little grey fellows.


Hoover had been shut out of Roswell, but this was practically in his backyard and he pulled every string he could to get something from the crash.


At no time, I suspect, did anyone consider that these crashes were on purpose.


Finally in an attempt to placate Hoover they sent him some blood samples from the drones. I'm guessing at this point they had figured out that whoever created them had used some of their DNA and human DNA. So in some ways they are hybrids.


Then Hoover did the unthinkable. He had the DNA from the drones extracted and two fully human samples. His, I know for certain, and another. Agent Tolan I suspect. Six newborn infants were chosen to be injected with what I've dubbed the secret sauce. Three male, three female. I've read a few conspiracy theories, but I suspect it was more curiosity than anything that Hoover was interested in. To see if any of us retained the memories from the suspected aliens.


In a true sense of the word, I don't hold it against him. He had been setup by someone much smarter than himself. While growing up I knew something was going on, but there were other things going on that over shadowed the secret sauce.


Then there was the incident in 75, or as I like to call it, my forty years in Hell.