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Hello, we are writing this for our friend and co-worker, Norman.  With our assistance we are trying to get him help before it is too late so we have created this website..  

Three to four years ago Norman was diagnosed with prostate cancer.  It has gone untreated due to the fact that he could not afford medical insurance through his job or privately.  Within the last year, the pain has gotten worse and coworkers urged and encouraged him to find other means to get help.  We researched websites, made phone calls, and put together a little money but it was not  enough.  Norman is now in stage 2 cancer.  We are asking for your help to get medical treatment.  

Norman is a very private person and we are writing this for him.  This is not a scam.  He really does have cancer.

He currently works as a chef full-time at a retirement community.  He is an honest hard-working man.  He moved to Arizona to help his son and his son's family and currently lives with them.  The pain increases daily.  Norman works every day enduring this pain.  Along with this he has migraine headaches caused by the cancer and the stress.  If that is not enough, he also has kidney stones which are in themselves painful.  The stones are so big that if they were to explode, he would be dead.  He is a walking time bomb.


His granddaughter is seven years old and is the light of his life.  His wife recently passed from cancer as well.  Nobody in our country should have to go without medical treatment.  We cannot let our citizens die because of financial challenges.  Norman served his country through service in the Army.  He is 52 years old.  Don't let this effort be too little, too late.  Help us help Norman.   There is still hope.  Will you help?


Please forward this website to your friends and family members.  Let's make a difference in someone's life together.


Thank you for reading this,


Stephanie, Teresa, Katie, Jackie, Rhonda, Rozzye