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A black and white feral cat by a tree looking curious.An older homeless man with a sad look on his face.Helping Hearts


Charities that have an impact and where YOU can make a difference!


Helping Hearts is a collection of charities where your help is needed.


There are many reasons why people decide to make donations to charities.

© Some people donate because they desire to make a difference.

© Some donate because they have sympathy for those in need.

© Some donate to give back to society.

© Some donate because they benefit from a tax deduction.


No matter what led you to consider donating, it is beneficial to everyone involved.


Donating gives:

© Support to organizations that devote their time and energy toward helping others.

© Assistance to people and animals in many different and important ways.

© A deduction on your taxes, so your good deed could come back to you.



Currently, there are three specific charities grouped within this site:

© IndyFeral – An organization devoted to helping and reducing the number of homeless cats.

© NAHA – Native American Heritage Association – This association is devoted to providing isolated Native Americans with necessities such as food and transportation for health emergencies.

© Salvation Army – An organization that adopts many programs to make our society a better place.


Finances not available? 


Click on Other Ways To Help to see how you can still make a

difference in the life of a person or animal.


tremendousA colorful spinning heart graphic.A colorful heart graphic that spins.
Coalition For The Homeless