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Arbonne Clear Advantage System

Ann Powell, Kentucky

I have battled with acne for about 10 years now and have been on several dermatologist treatments, washes and medicines. I started using Arbonne Clear Advantage about nine months ago and the results of my use have improved my complexion 110%! I am pleased that nine months of your products has outdone nine years of trial and error with dermatologists. Thank you!

Arbonne Clear Advantage System, NutriMinC® RE9 RElease Deep Pore Cleansing Masque

Elba Smith

I tried every product on the market, spending over $14,000 in five months on "spa treatments" and products that swore to clear up my acne. Nothing worked. I just learned to live with it and take it in stride. I have always eaten healthy and I used to be a vegetarian, so I am very aware about the importance of what goes into my body. I avoided dairy and soda and anything else that might cause my acne to flair up. Then in August of 2004, I was selected to be on a TV show. I was horrified about my skin but by that point in time, I had more scars than anything. My wonderful friend and neighbor, Jackie White suggested I try Arbonne. It was the only thing I hadn't tried. I packed it in my suitcase and was off to New York City to fake being a fashion designer. I was introduced to a famous makeup artist, who was horrified by my skin and said, "Take better care of your skin, darling!" I got back to my hotel room and started using the Arbonne Clear Advantage System. Within the four weeks of taping the show, my skin cleared up amazingly ... the proof is on the tape! I've switched to using the Bio-Hydria® line, but still use the Arbonne Clear Advantage System as well as the NutriMinC® RE9® Masque.