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Tasha's Website

My Favorite Things To Do

A little something about me. Just call me SUNSHINE!!! All my friends say I always have a smile on my face that makes their day just a little brighter. My friends and family mean a lot to me. I enjoy hanging out and having fun where ever I go. One of my favorite places to hangout is Tee Time. I have many friends that hangout there. Tee Time is a Sports Bar where I watch a lot of my sports. I love College Basketball, Football and Nascar. I enjoying riding Motorcycles and enjoying the beautiful weather. Whenever I can I love to visit the beach where I could relax and soak up the sun. I work and live in Winston-Salem. I have one daughter that is dearest to me. So whenever you get a chance you know where to find me, I am either at Tee Time, Beach, Hanging out with my friends or at work. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

My Favorite Web Sites

Harley Davidson