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Harmony in Nature

More Coming Soon!

What I Offer!

Reconnecting with Nature

Discover how to embrace nature and our connectedness to all.  Open yourself to communication with the animals and energies of the world that surround us.  Each session focuses on the the core tenants of life: stillness, simply being, allowing, going with the flow, respect, and so much more that enhances our daily life. Learn how these teachings will help you overcome your life situation, and view the world around you in a different, brighter light. Available for small private groups or individuals. 

Understanding "A New Earth" & its impact on your life.

I highly recommend Eckhart Tolle's "A New Earth," but I have found that many are struggling to apply the powerful principles in their daily life.  I am excited to be working on putting together a group to meet, discuss and share "A New Earth."  (Check back for details.)  Discussions are also available for private groups or individuals. 

Please contact me if you have any questions, or would like to schedule.
Email Phone 850-428-6647