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Hardscaping is a subcategory of landscape design that incorporates non-living features into your home's garden.  It includes, but is not limited to, structures such as gazebos, walkways, walls, fences, fountains, and other water features. With this kind of design, you, as a homeowner, will be able to add functional features to the landscape of your garden that will create a visually interesting area that will require less maintenance than having an abundance of plant life.




One advantage of having hardscape design in your home is to increase its property value should you decide to sell it later on. Apart from this, since hardscape features are not living things, they do not require the same level of care and attention that a typical lawn or garden would. This makes this particular subcategory of landscaping an ideal solution for owners who do not have the time or energy to devote to their lawn, especially if they live in dry or arid regions.




An example of this would be the use of brick pavers. These are used around swimming pools and as pathways throughout landscaped gardens, and even areas that experience vehicular traffic. Most landscape architects consider brick pavers to be a flexible form of pavement because of the methods and materials used in its installation.  Apart from the many textures that it comes in, different combinations can bring about a visually interesting and custom designed look.  Should you decide to use this in your garden, it is advisable to use one to two kinds of shades. Wood and stone structures are well complemented by these since they add an overall warm design.




In the end, you want to have a garden that not only is fully functional but can also provide you and your guests with a calm and relaxing atmosphere. Having fountains and pools can improve the ambience of your garden, and help drown out noise pollution while attracting local fauna at the same time. Attractive stone walkways not only serve as a mere design element but also hide problem spots where grass and other flowering plants are slow to take root. Fences and rock walls can serve as effective wind barriers and improve privacy as well. If you have an eye for design, hardscaping will allow for features such as raised flower beds that will cut into the visual monotony of a flat garden.




Once you decide to implement some hardscaping design elements into your garden, you will have to understand how these new additions will affect the drainage and water absorption of the soil in your garden. Remember, anything placed over the ground is going to have an impact on the overall water content of your garden lawn. If you plan to install a lot of brick pavers into the landscape of your home, you will need to install water sprinkler systems to ensure that your vegetation will be able to meet its requirements.




Getting hardscaping design into your home is something that will increase its overall value when done right. You will need to study each design feature carefully so that it helps direct water away from your home, rather than towards it. These features should really work to the benefit of your garden's foliage, diverting water flow toward those requiring the most amount of water and away from those plants that need better drainage.

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