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How to Make Money Growing Your Microgreens 

If you haven’t been living under a rock then you would know something about microgreens. If you have been living under a rock, don’t worry, your knight in shining armour has arrived. We will not only give you the inside scoop on what they are but also how to grow them using a microgreens growing kit. For comprehensive view about growing microgreens indoors read here

Microgreens have emerged in recent years as the beacon of vegetables and health. Although they have been swept under the rug, this isn't enough to exclude them from being one of the best plants out there. 

Well, you are probably asking, ‘what is so good about them’? A lot of nutritional research has been done about them and the results have been astonishing to the medical field. These little plants are known to have over 40 times the nutritional value than their fully-grown counterparts. A number of scientists had to double, triple and even quadruple test these plants to be sure that the figures were right. They are known to be high in vitamin C, high in carotene and vitamin K too. They are more or less like the miracle plants. 

Microgreens as a business are really lucrative. Pound for pound they give a high yield and could earn the grower as high as a 6 figure annual income. Per pound, microgreens could earn the grower about $50. 

Starting up a microgreen business sounds a little difficult and a little complicated but don't worry. We will give you all the steps you need to get through the entire process. 

As a startup, you would not need a whole plantation to start your business up. A container, your garage, even your kitchen would be enough to start your business up. You could use a flower pot but we believe it is highly inefficient and your yield would be so low. In our experience, we believe that a microgreen growing kit would just about do the trick. It gives you the ability to grow these plants at the highest yield.  

It is amazing to know that the set up for microgreens is really cheap. The tray cost around $2 and you would not need any pesticides or fertilizer. With the low set up cost, you would expect them to be sold for dirt cheap prices, but it is on the contrary. They have really good selling time. 

After having out how you would grow your microgreens and where you would grow them it is important to set up a supply chain. This would involve figuring out who your customers will be and how much they would be willing to purchase and how often. 

Microgreens are popular amongst chefs in high-end restaurants. We recommend writing down and organizing the plants you will be selling, their harvest date and the prices per pound. Chefs love some degree of organization and this will give you the upper hand. 

Most microgreens grow in a week to four weeks give or take, and this gives you an opportunity to understand which microgreens are popular, which ones are disliked and which ones are the most profitable in a short time. 

Amongst all the inputs into growing these items, time is one of the most important. Well, this all depends on the scale of your operations. A basic setup could take about 15 minutes of your day give or take with a little more when harvesting and selling.