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Green Plumbing Tips

In recent years, the concept of going green has begun to affect nearly every area of our lives.  This holds true for our home plumbing systems and the way that we consume water.  Conserving water is always a good idea; it is good for the environment, and it is good for our wallets.  Check out these ideas for implementing green plumbing in your home.

1.       Fully close the faucets.  When you are rushing about the house getting ready to leave for work or making dinner at the end of the day, it is likely that you use the sink and shut off the water, but don’t completely turn off the faucet.  You probably don’t even realize that you are doing it.  Leaving the faucet just a little bit open can really use a lot of water, though – up to 15 gallons per day.  So make sure that you are closing the faucet all the way.  If the faucet keeps leaking even when you have been careful to completely shut it, then the faucet needs to be repaired.  In many cases, fixing a leaky tap is as simple as replacing the washer, which is simple to do and costs less than a couple of dollars.

2.       Choose low-flow fixtures.  You can make a big dent in your water consumption by switching to low-flow fixtures.  Replace your old showerhead with a new low-flow model, and you can save 40 gallons of water with every single shower.  You can also upgrade to low-flow toilets, and install aerators in your faucets to cut down on water usage.  If you replace all of the fixtures in your home with low-flow counterparts, you can save thousands of gallons of water every month.

3.       Find hidden leaks.  Just because you don’t see puddles, that doesn’t mean that your home doesn’t have any leaks.  Watch your water bill closely for spikes, and check your water meter to see if it is clocking water usage when you don’t have any water turned on in the house.  If you see anything suspicious, call your plumber to come out and look for hidden leaks.

4.       Clean your drains.  Over time, drains get clogged up with all the nasty gunk that we send down them.  Once they get clogged, they stop working properly.  Don’t run out to the store to buy chemical drain cleaner, though.  That stuff is full of nasty chemicals that you don’t want to introduce to your water supply.  Instead, pour a cup of baking soda down the drain, and follow it with a cup of vinegar.  The mixture will bubble up and clear out all the gunk from the drains.  Wait 15 minutes, then flush the drain with water.

5.       Don’t put fat or grease down the drain or in the garbage disposal.  You can’t pour hot cooking grease into the trash can, but you shouldn’t pour it into your drains, either.  Once the fat cools, it solidifies, and clogs up your drains.  Instead, keep a metal coffee can handy.  When you drain grease from a pan, pour it into the coffee can.  Then you can keep can of grease in the freezer, and use it each time you cook.  Storing it in the freezer will prevent it from becoming rancid or developing a nasty odor.

For more green plumbing tips or assistance in caring for your home plumbing, call the professionals at Scott English Plumbing.  We offer routine plumbing maintenance, and we also provide 24/7 emergency service. Contact Scott English Plumbing for service today.