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Hair transplant surgery is the rapid development of the international committee of permanent hair depigmentation treatment of a new technology. Documented the "hair transplantation" Back in 1822, Dieffench first introduced its autologous hair transplantation teacher Unger invention.
After thirty years of continuous development, improvement and perfect hair transplantation gradually developed into a safe, reliable and complete, and can be a fundamental solution to baldness, alopecia cosmetic surgery problems. 
Why hair loss? 
In many factors of hair loss, the most common hereditary hair loss disorder is men's hair loss, commonly known as "bald." Scientific thought to occur this disease is mainly caused by genetic and high androgen levels. In addition, the head of ischemia and hypoxia, stress state is not the main risk factors of this disease. Although treatments for many diseases of this type, each of the methods allegedly have different degrees of efficacy, but hair transplant surgery is still the only way now to solve this persistent problem. 
Other secondary factors include infection and trauma (such as burns), autoimmune diseases (alopecia areata), a huge trauma, malnutrition, anemia, endocrine disorders, special medical care, also can cause hair loss. 
I can do the right hair transplant it? 
The main target is Hair Transplant In Pakistan surgical treatment for men - hereditary hair loss and permanent scarring hair loss due to trauma, infection and other factors. The surgical procedure included free hair transplantation, hair loss reduction surgery, head and scalp flap surgery methods such as tissue expansion. The method of choice because of their patient's condition may be, may be several methods in combination. Free hair transplantation (ie, known as hair transplantation) Because surgical risk, less pain and postoperative results naturally significant, it is the most popular surgical treatment.More simply porting method similar scenario paddy planting. First, for the area of ​​hair and scalp get prepared pieces of different sizes similar seedlings hair grafts, and then implanted into the pre-drilled holes in the hair loss area. This technology addition to the treatment of permanent hair loss of the scalp, but also can be the eyebrows, eyelashes, beard and pubic hair male recycling. Permanent plant operation how to do it? 

Hair transplant surgery is autologous graft together healthy hair follicles and the hair shaft to the missing parts. After local anesthesia is usually removed from the occipital patients after a healthy hair follicles and hair shaft with spindle flaps; then sutured wound up and down, healing is a very fine linear scars, hair combed down on top can completely cover, as long as you ignore the bald, others are completely invisible scars; then processed into a number of flaps with healthy hair follicles and the hair shaft transplant units; after anesthesia do microscopic hair missing parts incision, the transplant unit implanted into the appropriate notch in the end of surgery. 
How long the surgery? Pain? 
This belongs to outpatient surgery surgery, local anesthesia is used, the whole process takes only 3 to 4 hours after surgery without hospitalization, it can immediately return to their barracks. 

How to post new hair growth? 
Transplanted hair 2 to 6 weeks after the start of hair loss, but also a small amount of hair does not fall off. Usually after 10 to 20 weeks, new hair began to grow, while not all of the hair begins to grow new hair, even with a free scalp, hair growth which are asynchronous. Although the new hair growth in about three months after the start, but have to wait six months before they can know exactly how effective the more; in order to see the final results after nine months of hair transplant surgery. 
How long after the surgery can return to normal activities? 
10 days after removal of stitches, 11 days after the return to normal