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Straight Shag Hairstyles For Men

Shaggy Men’s haircut styles are the style of people with artistic, unruly and cheerful nature. These are not old in men’s fashion. It is actually the layered cutting of hair in different lengths that may be short, medium or long. This style will give a very cool look to you. The style is according to your height, if you have very good height then the style can be very impressive and if you are short the this style is good but not the best. Many say that this is a formal hairstyle but in the review it is a causal style. We have got a idea about Shaggy Hairstyle now let’s jump on to the tutorial:

1.     Shaggy Light Brown Hairstyles For Men


Dying your hair gives a different impression for you; the style is great for men below 25. After that you can use this style but may not be so attractive. The above image has the hair with brown dye color but you can use kind of color you want, however brown and golden color will be the best choice. I have tried this cut once and got amazing reactions from my friends that’s why I have put this one the list. Now about the facial hair, clean shave is the best thing but you can have a slight facial hair if you wish but don’t be over. But for some people this type style will irritate them because the hair is grown into the ears, face and covers the forehead, so first thing can you maintain this style, at least two months you need to maintain this style until the brightness of the dye completely settle down.

2.     Medium Shaggy Dark Hairstyle for Men


If you love facial hair and also need the shaggy haircut then this style is the best choice. I cannot share something better than this. The hair has a medium length not so long. It is also good for short guys but I never recommend using this style for short guys. I also recommend using this style only after you turn 19 or 20 because I said that you need the maximum height to be looked well in this style. As all shaggy style the hair length in the side is a little bit long in this style, it should be like that to get the best effect. No arts or any other styles can’t be combined with this style to a better style, Use this style along to get the best out of it.

3.     Blonde Shaggy Hairstyles For Men


After the first style I tried this cut, but it didn’t work for me. I looked very bad in this style said my friends relatives and surely my parents too. I didn’t give much care for my parents words because the always like simple cut, which I hate most. But hearing the same reaction from my friends I couldn’t keep it for 1 week so I bought some dye remover and tried a new buzz cut. I don’t know why it didn’t look so good on me. Maybe the dye color and my color didn’t match or may be any other reason. Before you try this style out remember to ask your friend and close one how will it look on you, don’t be fools after trying the style like I have been.

Yes that’s the end of the tutorial; there are many other styles of shaggy cut. Advanced and also some easy style but all those styles need good care. Only you have some time to spend on your hair everyday try these styles or if you are lacking some time then it is better to try some other styles.