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In this article we are going to explore the issue of pre and post-workout nutrition. Actually, pre and post-workout meals are pretty simple and you will answer all your questions here. The benefits of exercises are primarily hormone enhancement and lymphatic drainage for detoxification of the body. Your workout is not about your calorie-burning but instead it is hormone enhancement and lymphatic drainage for your detoxification. Here, we are discussing the ways that you can enhance these two benefits of your workout. 

What is the Lymphatic system?

The Lymphatic system is made of your liver and your Lymph vessels which comprise your detoxification system in your body. It is part of your circulatory system. When your workout you are actually giving the chance to your Lymphatic system to drain itself and clean itself out.

What to drink before your workout

Before your workout you want to drink some Denali roots such as a Tea and you can also eat some Denali Leaves. So, you want to give your Lymphatic system some help and drain itself. Bear in mind that if your Lymphatic system is blocked then you will feel sick and nauseous. You can also squeeze a square of lemon in there. You also have the option of drinking some Greek Tea which will make you feel energized and strengthened. It is a mistake to drink a Red Bull before your workout because it makes you feel worn-out, nauseous, paranoid and exhausted in the middle of your workout.

Visit to read and learn about the best, most popular and most effective pre workout supplements that use powerful substances to boost your workout and sports performance and strength. Learn now how you can maximize your energy, your muscle size and your strength when you go to the gym, when you exercise and when you do sports in the most natural and safest way. 

What to eat before your workout

Bear in mind that you have to eat before your workout otherwise you will not be able to perform at your optimum level. It is really a big misconception when people claim that they will burn off the junky meal that they ate earlier in the day. If you do not eat the right food before your workout your performance level will be very low.  The food that you eat will determine whether you maximize your growth hormone, regulate your insulin, optimize your Leptin levels. With the right food you will have better results with your hormone levels.

Therefore, make sure that you take some Whey protein with some fruits before your workout. Such a combination is perfect whether you do weight training or cardio training.

What to eat after your workout

If you have done weight training then you have tear up your muscles and you have also accumulated blood on these muscles. So, if you eat a big meal after your workout your blood will be very busy going to these muscles that you have just worked which means that it will not be efficient digesting your food. Also, you will not be able to get those nutrients to your muscles fast enough.

What you want is to bring nutrients to your muscles within an hour of your workout. The way that you do that is by taking a fast digesting Whey protein and some carbohydrates.