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If you want to feel the gears shifting under your hand and you are bored of automatic gears, that it the product for you.

Here you can order completely custom pack including:

  -H-shifter (you can select the h-pattern - 6 ,7,8 gears, leather or metal plate)

 - handbrake (select the length, the degree of freedom, et cetera) 

 - Clutch (again you can select the size, degree of freedom)

 - additional  buttons - Want a key switch for the engine start, or just a button- you can have it!

 You have the freedom to move things around.

Example - I want  a  black box, in the top front area I want the gearbox, behind it the handbrake, left of the handbrake I want to have two buttons and one keyswitch.

You can even send me hand drawn blueprints or CAD files if you want a specific order and size.