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Car Care: Car Servicing Singapore

Your most trusted buddy on the road does need to be petted once in a while. Caring for your vehicle is as essential as getting check-ups from your most trusted doctor to ensure maximum utility of your car and longer companionship on the road. It is a give and take relationship between you and your car: automobile maintenance and a safe trip on the road. In Singapore, you may find a vast number of car servicing companies that warrant an affordable and good quality service, but caution for car owners, you must be critical.

            Do not trust quacks that only provide superficial fixes for your car, instead, rely on reputable car servicing services that guarantee extremely satisfying overhaul for an always brand new looking car that functions well. Revol Carz Makeover is a car servicing company in Singapore that is equipped with adequate facilities and technology for car grooming using the right and effective products and a skilled and loyal team of workers who are committed and dedicated to warrant valued customers to meet their expectations and standards. We are also determined to continually create innovations to improve our services. Backed with experiences, skills and awards, we assure an excellent car makeover.

            Maximize the lifespan and worth of your car through Revol Carz Makeover car services in Singapore. Still a skeptic on why you must have a regular car servicing or maintenance; the first answer is: it will save your life.


ü  Life saver

Let’s hope that this won’t happen to you and to your beloved car. Do not elude yourself that your automobile is healthy and a car service is pointless. Avoiding regular car maintenance service is putting your life and your car’s at stake. Minor car malfunction when left untreated could turn into a malignant diseases eating or damaging your car parts and gradually or rapidly affects your car’s functioning. Consistent monitoring of car troubles may it be hard steering, malfunctioning power windows, or rattling noises alerts you that there may be something wrong. Early detection followed by immediate treatment will save you from encountering fatal car accidents due to car failure and lengthens your car’s life, too. Hence, car maintenance or frequent car servicing is an ultimate life saver!


ü  Money Saver


It has been mentioned that neglecting the need for a car servicing could lead to unwanted enormous problems that may require your car to be confined at auto repair shops in different intervals and later, unfortunately, your car can no longer perform. Consequently, you may need to buy another one! It is a total waste of money that leads to disappointment. Frequent car servicing prevents these kinds of problems and put your money in a purpose with a desirable output.


ü  An investment


Remember that vintage cars are hot in the market, what do you think car owners did to maintain their car parts intact? Yes. They relied to  reliable people that could do the best car services. Also, if you suddenly thought of selling your car, buyers opt for a brand-new looking cars in good condition, so you will be able to sell it fast and in a good prize. To gain more, you must also invest on your car!



            At this instant, you might wonder how often does your car needs a servicing? Car manuals may include that information but the frequency of car service depends on the make-up and model of the car, how old your car is, and your manner of driving. But there is a rule of thumb that suggest that for every 12, 000 miles or 12 months a car service may be necessary for a more fuel efficient, more reliable, and safe car!