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Blogspot creation guide - You probably already know that Blogspot is the darling of the Google giant, its creation is simple and completely free, and blogspot administration is even simpler. You can use blogspot to build blogs or build satellite websites, Landing pages, even the main sites to sell goods and services. It can be said that blogspot is an effective choice for you to do seo, play MMO and those who want to blog without much money as well as experience in programming and web administration.

No more lengthy, soon I will go into the detailed instructions for creating a blogspot.

Log in with your Gmail address. After logging in, you will go to the blogspot initialization website.

Click on "Continue with Blogger"

Click on "New Blog", a window will appear:

I would like to annotate you a following terminology:

1. Post title: is the name of your blog

2. Address: is the domain pointing to your blogspot, here it is a subdomain form with the main domain is When setting a blogspot address you see the message "Sorry, this blog address is not available." Means that the address you selected has a registered person and you are required to select a different one.

Setting the Article Title and Address for Blogspot has a great influence on Seo blog results. With the title of the article you can change at any time but the blog address is unique and can not be changed, so you must consider carefully before making a decision to choose the address that best suits your purpose. Here is a small tip of when setting the optimal blog title that I still use.

I usually choose blogspot as a satellite website and set the title according to the keywords I want to seo for blogspot. For example I want to seo for word "hp ink" then I will set blogspot address as shown below.

However, this address is already registered, so I will add a common word behind. In this case, I chose the word "201"

When the message "This blog address is ready" pops up, this address has not been registered and is allowed to use it. With this method, the blogspot address is longer and not beautiful, but it is quite good for seo because it contains the keyword I want to seo.

Template: is the template or blog interface. You see which one like the best then click on it.

Finally, click Create blog! And this is your accomplishment.

Conclusion: With just a gmail and very simple steps, you have your own blogspot. If you want blogspot more beautiful, more shimmering, you can refer to your next post, where I will guide you to choose and change the blogspot interface.

Thank you for reading all the articles How to create your blogspot.