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Tips on How to Grow Raspberries

Raspberries are popular worldwide for its unique taste and health benefits. The best time for growing raspberry is early spring. Not only are they rich in fiber but also they are rich in antioxidants, vitamin A and numerous minerals. Plenty of these fruits are available in stores but it is really fun to grow raspberry at your garden. Growing raspberry is not at all hard; all that you need is know the proper steps. You can grow your own raspberries and that also at a limited space.

Have a quick glance at the following steps that will make the task quite easier-

  • Your first step will be to choose a perfect spot; these types of garden plants thrive best in full sun and the place where water will drain well.
  • Sect the type of raspberry you want to grow. There are actually two types of raspberries- summer bearing and ever bearing. Summer bearing produce berries during early summer and ever bearing produce berries in spring and fall.
  • Opt for raspberry plants that are sold as canes in most greenhouses and garden stores. The canes are basically the woody stems of the raspberry plants.
  • Prepare the soil for the plant to grow. The growth of this plant requires acidic soil. Add some dung, mulched leaves to the soil to make it more acidic.
  • The best time for planting raspberry plant is in the month of spring. While planting cut the canes back to 6 inches. Dig a hole in the selected spot and to set that crown halfway into the ground. Cover the plant and firm the soil around it.
  • Build a support trellis so that the plant can grow fast and in the proper way. Though the plant is known for growing unruly but still. You can place a tomato cage or a wooden pole to support the plant. Just make sure that the trellis is capable of supporting the plant.
  • Trim old growth from the plant. Remove injured and broken canes because sometimes they harm the growth of the plant. Raspberry canes live for only a few years and when they die they turn into grayish color and even stop producing new leaves. Unless you cut those old leaves, the plant will not grow properly.
Applying these above mentioned steps will help you grow raspberry. The best part of growing raspberry is picking and eating them fresh. Always remember that the more water they get the plumper and juicier they will be. Growing raspberries is not that hard. The author has also provided relevant information on growing asparagus.