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Since security cameras play a very important role in the safety of your customers, employees and your entire business as a whole, you should never haphazardly choose which security cameras that you’ll use in your business establishment.

That’s why you need to follow the security camera selection guide below.

Number one tip is you should measure the area that you want to be covered with business security cameras. By doing this, you will be able to know how many security cameras you’ll need. You have to ensure that there would be enough cameras to cover each and every inch your business establishment. It is recommended that if you’re planning to expand your business in the future, you should have enough slots in your security camera system so that you can put more security cameras.

Second, you also have to consider the focal length of the camera. The focal length actually defines how much magnification a camera can provide. This means that a camera that has a shorter focal length will let you see a wider view of the subject while a camera that has a longer focal length lets you see a narrower view but at a high level of magnification. So, you have to choose between these two foal lengths.

Now, you also have to decide what type of camera you want to put up. There are numerous cameras present today that are used for CCTV. You have to base your selection on factors like what type of environment the camera will be placed, how much you want the camera to be visible and then the design of the camera.

Then, you have to deal with how much resolution you want the camera to have. The higher the resolution of a camera, the more detail you will be able to see in the video. A camera that has 525 to 580 lines of resolution is what’s typically known as high resolution for a typical CCTV camera. But if you want to get cameras with higher resolution, you should go for those the megapixel cameras and those high-definition ones that are quite pricey.

In addition to that, you also have to ask yourself if you like a camera that would also pick up audio around the environment. These types of infrared bullet camera are known to be much more helpful in solving any business anomalies and problems which were caught on camera.

Last and probably the most important consideration is your budget. You have to be able to afford the type of business security system that you’ll get.