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On Tuesday, Apple expanded its search advertising platform to 46 more countries by allowing marketers to expand the visibility of their applications in 59 countries and manage campaigns scattered across many areas.

From the launch in 2016 to $ 2 billion in 2020 The Cupertino-based technology giant has publicly launched research advertising in 2016 (more than a year after paid ads started appearing on Google Play). The following year, Apple expanded support for search ads in Canada, Mexico, and Switzerland, and introduced original, non-fulfillment search ads to meet keywords and bid developers who traditionally paid for search campaigns. there is knowledge or resources to manage. .

Last year, a Bernstein research analyst estimated that search advertising would give Apple $ 500 million in 2018 and estimated that the platform could produce $ 2 billion by 2020 - now that the number of countries supported is more than quadruple If done, Apple may have a way of killing (or even progressing) that way.

Why should you care? Reaching unskilled audiences can change the game to any brand. However, increasing supported areas can add an additional layer of complexity to the top of those criteria, which application marketers are already using (keywords, device type, etc.), interested in knowing the characteristics of each target audience.

Brands with liberal marketing budgets can now strengthen their multi-field campaigns so they are easy to manage, which can be difficult to compete with.

Head of Apple's search ads for a complete list of supported countries and regions.

Source: Search Engine Land