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Buy bamboo flooring maintenance marble granite san jose Raiders

Our bamboo flooring maintenance knowledge: marble granite san jose You can define different floor maintenance framework based on our purchase,

1, maintain good indoor ventilation and dry environment

Regularly maintain the indoor ventilation, either to the floor of the volatile substances as possible, discharge to the outside, and moist air can exchange with the outdoor room. Especially in the long term there is no human habitation, maintenance cases, the indoor ventilation is more important. Common practice is : always open door or room air convection, or the use of air conditioning and ventilation systems , thereby creating room clean and dry environment. This helps to dry the floor, and to prevent loss of life because of wet point. This is an important feature of the floor maintenance.

2, to avoid direct sunlight and rain water

Some houses sunshine or rain can enter the room marble granite san jose directly from the local area windows, bamboo floors which will cause harm. Sunlight will accelerate the aging of paint and glue; can also cause shrinkage and cracking of the floor. After the rain water, bamboo absorbs moisture expansion deformation caused serious mildew will make the floor. So pay special attention in daily use.

3, to avoid damaging the floor surface

Bamboo flooring floor paint is both decorative layers is the protective layer of the floor, and therefore should avoid collision with hard objects, the scratch tool, metallic friction, chemicals cannot be stored indoors. In addition, indoor furniture moving, move should be handled with care, furniture, foot pads should put rubber skin and so on. Public places, bedding, etc. should be in the main channel.

4 , proper cleaning care

In everyday use, the floor should be cleaned regularly to keep the floor clean. When cleaning, be first with a clean broom to sweep dust and debris , and then wring the cloth artificial clean water , such as when the area is too large , you can wash cloth mop , and then hung up to drip dry droplets, for net drag the ground . Cut cannot be washed, nor can wet rag or mop to clean up. Usually if there is moisture in the ground substance spilled, immediately wipe dry with a dry cloth .

If conditions permit, you can also hit a layer of floor wax between intervals in order to strengthen the protection of the floor. Paint surfaces if damaged, marble granite san jose can be used on their own or ask an ordinary varnish manufacturers to make repairs.

How to decorate the house with furniture granite bay area floor to "perfect"

Home renovation is a great mix of learning, granite bay area do not take some obvious decoration together is affecting the overall home decor aesthetic sense. Home decor and overall philosophy is the primary factor in determining the color of the floor. Therefore, the choice flooring appeal and deep tones very strong performance, personality traits distinctive light colored flooring style simple, fresh and elegant. Even in the choice of the color of the floor is also very important, the family's overall decoration style and philosophy is the primary factor in determining the floor color. In the appeal and expressive dark tones of the floor for strong, distinctive personality traits, light colored flooring style is simple, fresh and elegant. In recent years, some seemingly defective wood flooring, such as burl, Poles, rot, crack texture flooring demand rises, is that people pay attention to nature, reflecting a return to the concept.

For the floor color to set off the furniture and calm pastel color tone based secondly, we must pay attention to the floor and furniture of the match. Ground color to set off the color of the furniture and soft calm tone, because the ground is a permanent decoration, under normal circumstances, would not be changed frequently, so to choose a more neutral color. From the tone that can be any combination of light-colored furniture, granite bay area flooring and shades of color, but dark furniture and dark floors mix will have to be extra careful to avoid "black Wuhu” depressing scenario.

In the bedroom floor color and lighting conditions of harmony and unity bedroom floor lighting conditions also limit the color range of options. Well-lit room Needless to say , you can take your pick ; while the lower floors , inadequate lighting of the room will have to be selected higher brightness , color, suitable ground material, as far as possible avoid the use of darker material. The small size of the room floor cool dark shades to choose

In addition, the color will affect the person's visual effects for the expansion of warm colors, cool colors for the contraction of color. Therefore, a small room on the ground floor area of dark shades to choose cool , gives rise to the feeling of the area expanded. If you choose bright colors will make the space seem warm floor narrower, granite bay area increasing the sense of oppression. Our companies need consumers to understand the overall effect of a single piece of flooring and paving arising after the impression is not exactly the same , so the shop to see the effect in the process and then determine whether to buy . 

Optional wood flooring methods and pavement marble bay area issues

With the development of social life, now renovated , marble bay area wood flooring has become a new trend , it is more a feeling than a natural green tiles , and more kinds of home.

    Now renovated , wood flooring has become a new trend , it is more a feeling than a natural green tiles , and more kinds of home. But now , for this one-time use of wood flooring materials furniture , everyone in the selection, often just to listen to the views of others to buy , this is a relatively common practice , but this does not rule out that your friends may be luck well, buy a good floor and good service , so the next , listen to natural flooring experts teach you how to choose wood floor ! Next we choose wood flooring , consider the price does not represent a significant component of the case , the best choice for brand flooring , which is not to say how good his plate , but that you can enjoy the brand services, will let you use the board with more confidence , you get the value when the service. In the purchase process , you will be very happy, because they reflected as a brand , Purchasing Guide service and a smile , makes you very reluctant to spend money . There is a more important service , give the simplest example , if you use the floor after ten years there is a problem , I'm sure that can be compared , if the floor had to buy a no-name , it is likely that you have can not find the business sale deal with this problem for you , but if you had to buy a brand flooring , it can give you a pleasant service ! Second, marble bay area choose the type of flooring is , in general, divided into solid wood flooring, engineered wood flooring , laminate flooring, bamboo flooring is relatively common in these types of flooring . For these options, without a fixed pattern, mainly capital and home environments come and choose.

Again, is a wood flooring specifications and paint choices? Wood flooring specification refers floor length, width and thickness. When choosing flooring, length and width is determined by the stability and general wear and tear, length and width coefficient of the plate, there is no stability coefficient of stability, but also the length and width of wear relatively large depletion big factor, so jargon is called the election board " should be short not long, "but at the same time you should also consider the single room we have to be careful leveling height issues aside. For the finish, now that we are more intuitive and matt light, bright and gorgeous light side panels, grade and pricey rooms with plenty of light, matt surface of the floor is relatively resistant, easy to see scratches.

Finally, the plates , then , for the wood , the partakers of domestic and imported , the price difference is mainly for the use , I suggest that you air-dry density is relatively high, marble bay area more coordinated with the local temperature and humidity of the plate, so the floor stability will be better point .

Home decoration style and the overall concept marble granite san jose is the primary factor in determining the color of the floor.



marble granite san jose attention should be paid to the mix of furniture and floors. From the color, light colored furniture with deep color floor in any combination, but the mix of dark furniture and dark floors should be careful, to avoid suppress the scene.

Good room lighting needless to say, can be selected at random; and the lower floors, inadequate lighting of the room will have to pay attention to choose a higher brightness, color, suitable ground material, as far as possible to avoid the use of darker material.

In addition, the color will affect the person's visual effect, for the expansion of warm colors, cool colors for the contraction of color. Therefore, the ground of small room should choose dark tonal cool color, make the person produces marble granite san jose the feeling that the area expands. If the floor will be warm and bright colors to make the space appears more narrow, increase the sense of oppression.

Need to remind you is, a single floor and the overall effect arising from pavement to give people the feeling is not exactly the same, so attention should be paid in the purchase of multi shop a few pieces have a look, marble granite san jose then determine whether to buy.



The overall need to pay attention to two points granite bay area



1, must use the white roof.

2, the best ratio of furniture, floor light.

Two. The floor furniture color is yellow, the yellow is more lively.

A pastoral style will take some, light green walls and yellow floor slightly contrast and harmony, it is important to furniture decorative embellishment, granite bay area



 wood floor itself to give a person a kind of natural rural feeling of leisure, and light green is just the nature of the tone, on this basis, with curtains, sofas and other flowers pattern dotted with walls, floor, complement each other, green wall will appear to have a deep sense of space.

Three. Furniture is some years of red elm

Recommend the use of walnut and cherry wood, color and soft, granite bay area



 giving others a warm feeling of warmth. If with other Africa hardwood, indoor color is slightly dark a bit. To buy the floor shop to have a look, in general they have decoration effect diagram or 3D presentation, can imitate the actual effect, should be more convenient choice.

Four. Composite floor white with gray lines                                                                           

Indoor door frame gray is modern, furniture such as TV cabinet selected line the founder of simple white, dark blue good sofa, tea table, choose smaller simple point black, and the color. White wall without brush again, black white shelf or a frameless painting or other fashion table, granite bay area can put a white wall decoration is very beautiful. And curtains, all white, but the texture and style each different.



Furniture color matching skills marble bay area floors and furniture color



A bedroom with dark reddish floor

You should choose the door with the floor color similar color, marble bay area want to change the furniture will not affect the overall style of the room after. The color of the furniture should be set to match the effect.

1, the light in the room was enough, and more than 12 square meters and you tend to conservative words can choose brunet, with beige walls, thick cultural atmosphere dignified, suitable for family selection. (example: Dark Walnut, mahogany, cassia classic color)

2, the light in the room in general, marble bay areaor the room is less than or equal to 12 Party, can choose light color series furniture, can make the room look larger, suitable for white-collar workers, or usual time compact sources, because the light is spirits feeling. (example: light oak series, with European style furniture, white)

3, between dark and light color, marble bay area suitable for all the room size, the key used for low light real or light strong over the small room. Also on the walls of the general use of color: white. Afraid of the cold, can choose the yellow wall paint. Often the sun room can choose green, blue.

The hardwood laminate bay area small room with furniture 4 method



hardwood laminate bay area the principle of process technology furniture: small bedroom furniture 4 magical method. For your reference

Small space, furniture must be from the special design, reduce the size, multipurpose, custom and other considerations. The purchase of furniture, not only by the feeling, be realistic to consider their own room structure. The use of small size furniture

Small size furniture selection shape simple, portable, easy to move. Furniture is unfavorable choose too much, otherwise it will produce mixed and disorderly feeling. Simple, compact appearance of several tables, the overall feeling is very suitable for the entire room. The folding furniture

Folding furniture has the advantages of small size, and easy to break down, convenient transportation, very suitable for large-sized apartment Home Furnishing use. hardwood laminate bay area Selection can be removed and converted into a bed of sofa, can function to transform the room.

Apartment layout structure itself is a triangular area, generally in the market can not buy good furniture, and every inch of space large-sized apartment is very important, customized side cabinets, as a function of space small room storage, the use of the triangular region, expand the use of space.

To transform the small bedroom furniture

Because bedroom area is small, the summer there are always people the feeling of suffocation. Fortunately, the furniture in the house is very easy to change, the summer is placed in the living room sofa easily turned into bed, hardwood laminate bay area this time to be an easy job to transform the function room, bedroom, can be a little entertainment space.

marble granite bay area Shear recombination



Map technique is the wall rectangular brick cutting off a corner or corners, marble granite bay area can form a triangle, trapezoid, parallelogram and other patterns, then the brick like a jigsaw puzzle free combination, random jump brick, and color contrast to bring visual impact, let this diverse mix of the wall quite the fashion to wear leather clothes. This method is tedious but not difficult, should pay attention to "cut" cut brick color not more, avoid the wall disorder.

Tile waistline

Amazing waist

The waist was fixed in the wall, marble granite bay area wall brick is used to separate the upper and lower part of the decorative brick. But as long as the beautiful and harmonious can break the normal procedure, let the waist appear in any part of the wall, such as top of the line, or in the upper of the wall decoration, also can put a few pieces of waist combined, as tile use. Waist size some imitation stone texture rich, can mix up paving the whole wall, marble granite bay area the overall effect is even more than the general retro brick.

Tile figure paving granite bay area posted different beauty



Ceramic tile in the tiling usually refers to the patterned glaze brick. With screen printing and a two degree firing technology is becoming mature, granite bay area we can see more and more architectural style, the color is more bright. Because the firing process is more complex, tile prices are relatively high, therefore usually locally.

Tile figure paving diverse mix

Paving the way compared to the arranged in a crisscross pattern, diverse mix of hand rule is more complicated, not only are the different specifications of the mix, but also different color mix. Using this kind of paving the way, can let you taste be a designer of fun, and space to create the effect, of course, full of personality, let the home away from the follow the same pattern of stiff expression.


Regional gradient

There is a mix of the wall is divided into three regions, take a gradual approach: granite bay area upper can choose small size light tiles central; all the same color tiles, tiles and tiles can be combined independently; the lower tiles darker, and the ground to keep the same color the ground, using the same or adjacent dado color large format tiles, natural transition, granite bay area spatial unity. Tile can be used only in the middle of one wall, and can be in the walls on both sides of the upper space, free space.marble granite san jose ceramic tile with higher accuracy, better stick shop



marble granite san jose to buy high quality ceramic tile not only easy construction, but also can save time and materials. Tape or calipers, measuring device to measure the size of the standard surrounding each tile has no difference, and high precision for the high-class products.

In the choose and buy when everyone will often be some misunderstanding, here also say to the way consumers misunderstanding of tile purchase a hint:

Misunderstanding one: tile thicker the better the quality of ceramic tile is not judged by its thickness, but in its own texture. At present, the development direction of international building ceramic product is light, thin, strong, durable, personalized.

Misunderstanding two: polishing bricks non slip

High smoothness of polishing brick, brick surface smoothness is good, can fully contact with the sole, so as to increase the friction between the brick surface and sole, the antiskid effect, as long as contact with sand and dust will be reduced.

Misunderstanding three: Matt brick not easy and clean decoration company in Hangzhou long home decoration

In fact most of surface polishing brick glaze layer through special treatment, marble granite san jose wear-resistant, non slip, dirty, easy to clean.

The first step: determine the style

In the choice of tiles before, first of all to the design style of the room, the room lighting intensity, size, and decided to choose tile color, pattern, usually narrow room to monochromatic tiles is appropriate.

The second step: the market price

If there are fairs, promotional activities, do not miss the opportunity, at this time can be free access to information and consulting services, and adequate resources, variety complete, quality is generally good, there is room for the selection, purchase brick can also get some preferential treatment.

The third step: expert advice

To experts, expert and the purchase of tile user consultation, to summarize experience, comparison of the selection from, summarize the experience and lessons of others, find their satisfaction with the brand.

The fourth step: look at the brand

Because of the comprehensive strength of enterprise products brand representative, it includes the connotation of technology and quality service. Consumers in the purchase of products must choose a good reputation, high credibility of the product. In addition, the building materials market is various tiles in place, building materials market to buy Tiles, more quality assurance. But it also depends on the building materials market credibility and standard management mode, the bigger the better.

In general, a large company, famous brand enterprise pre-sales, after sale service ability, trust, commitment, users have what problem, marble granite san jose can come to serve and to give technical solution.





The four step in the selection of marble bay area the man



Ceramic tile of choose and buy or trick, marble bay area in general ceramic tile of chooses and buy the principle is: a look, two, three, four listening test.

A look: tile color should be uniform, surface roughness and flatness is better, the surrounding rules, integrity of the pattern, take a few pieces from the same package, compared with no color, deformation, less defects such as missing edge angle; surface whether pinhole, cracks, bubbles, stains, spots, bleeding phenomenon.

Two: listen to a sound with a hard object, more clear, marble bay area more high degree of porcelain, the better the quality. Also the left hand thumb, index finger and middle finger folder tile corner, easy to hang with the lower right index finger, tap the tiles, such as voice clear and loud, sweet aftertaste is classy article, such as the sound rather dull, turbidity is beneath contempt.

The three test: will drop at the back of the ceramic tile, see the speed, infiltration of water spread out in general, bibulous slower, the density of this ceramic tile is bigger, better quality; on the contrary, bibulous faster, the density of sparse, marble bay area its quality is inferior to former. best decoration company

How to choose granite bay area the suitable ceramic tile



(1) to distinguish the tile types

Ceramic tile classification to find out, granite bay area only understand tile types, can not be when choosing ceramic tile. Tiles from the appearance of points, generally into two categories, namely, glazed tiles and tiles. Glazed tile is generally used in the kitchen and bathroom tiles for the living room, the main bedroom area, etc..

The professional point of view is in accordance with the water absorption of ceramic tile to partition, a total of five categories: the first category is ceramic tile (water absorption rate of E 0.5%), market mainly polishing brick, brick, there are several glaze industry matt tiles; the second category is ceramic tile: ceramic tile (E) greater than 10%. (E) greater than 0.5% and less than or equal to 3%, ceramic tile. Generally applicable to the kitchen, bathroom tiles; the fourth category is fine stoneware tile: (E) greater than 3% and less than or equal to 6%, ceramic tile. Generally applicable to the kitchen, bathroom tiles; the fifth category is brick: (E) greater than 6% and less than or equal to 10%, ceramic tile.

General bibulous rate is low, the quality is better, the decoration effect is better, the use is also more comfortable. Find a decoration company in Hangzhou long home decoration

(2) choose material Hangzhou long decoration Hangzhou best decoration company

Kitchen, toilet, balcony area, floor tiles are mostly used Matt anti-skid tiles, in order to prevent the soup water makes the ground is wet and slippery, so choose non slippery tiles is first. At present the general specification of 300 x 300 and 330 x 330, 600 x 600. Standard Specification for general choose the living room, hallway and outdoor walkway 600 × 600 above, granite bay area material selection is wide, depending on the consumer affordability.

Porcelain with constant good young consumers, the best choice of materials better tiles, tiles and wooden floor decoration for decoration, ceramic tile to decorate very troublesome, it is best to a decoration in place, don't be penny wise and pound foolish.

(3) focus on brand technology

Domestic brands of ceramic tile design style and design and color, have been in line with international standards, manufacturing process and technology has been very mature. In the national standard is higher than the European standard building materials products, ceramic tile is one of the few building materials products. Domestic product is not inferior to foreign brands, the price is low many.

For example, national standard test method of ceramic tile is 150 temperature, 0.5MPa pressure in a cycle, and the internal standard of our domestic well-known brand Garcia tile is 180 temperature, 1.0MPa pressure cycle seven qualified before they are allowed to the factory.

Therefore, granite bay area the domestic first-line brand price is high, domestic brand consumers will not suffer.

marble bay area vitrified brick exterior stain is the key




Daily cleaning and protection tiles, marble bay area floor tiles to clean thoroughly clean all the dirt, if there is a glue or sticky dirty, can use neuter cleaner with 100 clean cloth wipe. The floor cleaning agent to pour on the tiles, waxing machine besmirch friction tiles clean.

Then the water wax into the clean mop, the wax coating on the tiles can mean. Wax make tile appearance since the dry, dry before they can trample on it, can also be used to help ordinary electric drying, waxing after 8 hours to completely dry, if there is heavy to move must be such as to move the wax is completely dry, so can protect brick light.

Waxing repeatedly in floor tile looks yellow to the waxing, should use wax remover disposal. Methods: paraffin remover used directly, without adding water, pouring on average to wax, about 10 to 15 minutes, until the wax cleaning agent into the floor tile, floor tile wet with water, wax completely lost in addition to, or from the new waxing not shiny.

Method three: the old tile and ceramic tile

Old ceramic tile to innovation, general requirements will tile all shovel, marble bay area labor strength is great. If you want to in the old tiles affixed new tile, cement mortar is difficult to do, then must use resin binder type stone, it is not afraid of the tile on the greasy, dirt, and has good bonding strength.

The daily also needs protection light tile grasp some tips, cleaning can use clear water and detergent or soap; inclusion liquid soap when washing to add a few ammonia and turpentine, can make more polished tiles.

If the tea or the different daily life activities attachment should be scrubbed clean tiles above in real time, using the response of cleaning products clean when needed. The brick surface such as scratch, daub of toothpaste in the scratch, wipe with dry cloth can repair. The brick and the brick cracks can not schedule with decontamination creams to remove dirt, marble bay area and cracks in the brush a layer of waterproof agent can prevent mold development.




Introduce marble granite san jose a few tile maintenance of common sense



Tea stains, marble granite san jose fruit stains, Coffee, vinegar sauce, leather printing and other stains using sodium hypochlorite (bleach dilution), when used to soak for 20 - 30 minutes after the wipe with a cloth; some into brick long stains, soak for several hours.

A family, went to a neat desk before a bright window, of course, let a person look feel fresh, home of the tile is a large area saw a door, but the tiles are often greasy, rust, soap scum and other force, especially the pale tile more early surface exposed to these problems, so how to clean these beautiful light ceramic tile has become a problem puzzled.

Methods: using multifunctional decontamination ointment

Ceramic tile is often greasy, rust, soap scum and other force, especially the ceramic tile juncture more easy to shelter evil people and countenance evil practices. To adhere to the porcelain surface is clean without damaging porcelain surface light, marble granite san jose can use the multifunctional decontamination creams to clean.

Ceramic tile cracks, should use the toothbrush dipped in a little decontamination creams to remove dirt, and then use the brush in the cracks a waterproof agent, such not only impervious to water and can prevent mould development.

The polished tiles, the pores exposed outside, oil, dust and other easily into the. But the product a lot of brands not through the antifouling disposal as pass products sale, consumers don't survey, pavement application does not care, will attack the stained status. marble granite san jose Consumers must clearly ask at time of purchase, not tiles antifouling treatment to wax in use, the ordinary floor wax can.

 Prevent slippery hardwood laminate bay area brick mostly belong to the brick.

Polishing brick: polishing brick is a kind of hardwood laminate bay area bright surface of the brick body tile body passes burnish and become brick. Polishing brick is hard wear-resisting, suitable for use such as for balcony in most indoor space, in addition to Restroom except the kitchen, wall decoration etc.. Based on the seepage technique, polishing brick can make all kinds of stone, wood effect.

Tiles: This is a high temperature firing of ceramic tile, is a hard most all tiles. Winds were sometimes scratches, remains safe and sound. Tiles is in fact the whole tile, the smooth surface without the need for polishing, polishing stoma is not an issue. Vitrified brick is one kind of strengthened polishing brick, it uses high temperature sintering. Harder than the polished texture, more wear. No doubt, its price is also higher.

The ceramic mosaic: also known as mosaic, there is a special mode of brick, hardwood laminate bay area it is generally composed of dozens of small pieces of brick of a relative block. It takes little and dainty, colorful interior is widely used in small area, the walls and the size outdoor and ground. The mosaic has the following types of classification:

(1) ceramic mosaic. Is one of the most traditional mosaic, with little and dainty is known, but more tedious, lower grades.

(2) marble mosaic. A mosaic, the medium-term development of rich and colorful, but poor acid and alkali, waterproof performance is not good, so the market does not reflect well.

(3) the glass mosaic. Colorful mosaics of glass to bring vitality. According to different types of glass, is divided into many small varieties: molten glass mosaic, hardwood laminate bay area glass mosaic, glass mosaic sintering etc..



marble granite bay area Color palette

The solid tiles as tile to use, marble granite bay area the general can choose two kinds of color as a space base, contrasting colors, adjacent colors can choose. To break the wall, the ground for a color rules, as long as the choice of the appropriate color, line can break the wall surface, spell out the pattern with the solid tiles, you have me, I have let color. If you are worried about its dosage is too large, you can join the white brick, which saves cost, but also making the "blank" effect, relieve visual fatigue.


The restaurant prefer green and orange, because orange is conducive to enhance appetite, digestive system and green is beneficial to people. Double wall material mix color, material technique used in the diagram, marble granite bay area make large pale orange paint and green tiles to form a soft warm together, create a harmonious dining atmosphere. Color adding other color small amounts of segmentation can let the restaurant atmosphere more active.


Harmonious gray

Think on one wall tiling multiple color tiles, should try to choose those glaze color lightness, high low gray tiles, regardless of your choice of colors is cold or warm, tile Gray will all color quietly unity, achieve overall harmony. Pay attention to the color uniform distribution to the shop is stuck, marble granite bay area color thick ceramic tile to disperse paving, otherwise easily lead to not balance such as "top-heavy" or "very important".

Ceramic tile marble bay area shop local tile stick figure



Local tile marble bay area Scenery construction

There are some tile combinations similar murals, pattern fidelity, large area. These are various and vivid picture can be directly used to create atmosphere of the space. For example, in the kitchen, probably because space is limited and can not be placed volume larger plants, then select some plants pattern tiles, paving in the wall place, its dissemination in space in the atmosphere, both nature and art.

Local tile

marble bay area Pattern decoration

The complete design some tiles collage, need to use a group of small brick. The specification is similar to the outer wall of small size tiles, using it can be flexible, can be used in a smaller space and relatively independent of the region, such as the open into the wall cupboard, holding on, the tiles do background, not only beautiful, but also strengthen the function partition.

Tile figure paving of multicolor blending

In addition to standard, an important index of color matching is also paving tile. Through the computer information technology to promote the process of ceramic tile glaze color, make a spurt of progress, those in nature can be found in apple green, cherry red, lemon yellow, can now be seen in the ceramic tile shop, but also inject fresh colors for the bedroom. Now in any color to create the atmosphere in space, marble bay area while a member of ceramic tile will no longer be absent because of color.

Shear marble granite san jose recombination



Map technique is the wall rectangular brick cutting off a corner or corners, marble granite san jose can form a triangle, trapezoid, parallelogram and other patterns, then the brick like a jigsaw puzzle free combination, random jump brick, and color contrast to bring visual impact, let this diverse mix of the wall quite the fashion to wear leather clothes. This method marble granite san jose is tedious but not difficult should pay attention to "cut" cut brick color not more, avoid the wall disorder.

Tile waistline

Amazing waist

The waist was fixed in the wall, wall brick is used to separate the upper and lower part of the decorative brick. But as long as the beautiful and harmonious can break the normal procedure, let the waist appear in any part of the wall, such as top of the line, or in the upper of the wall decoration, also can put a few pieces of waist combined, as tile use. marble granite san jose Waist size some imitation stone texture rich, can mix up paving the whole wall, the overall effect is even more than the general retro brick.




figure paving hardwood laminate bay area posted different beauty



Ceramic tile in the tiling usually refers to the patterned glaze brick. With screen printing and a two degree firing technology is becoming mature, we can see more and more architectural style, hardwood laminate bay area the color is brighter. Because the firing process is more complex, tile prices are relatively high, therefore usually locally.

Tile figure paving diverse mix

Paving the way compared to the arranged in a crisscross pattern, diverse mix of hand rule is more complicated, not only are the different specifications of the mix, but also different color mix. Using this kind of paving the way, can let you taste be a designer of fun, and space to create the effect, of course, full of personality, hardwood laminate bay area let the home away from the follow the same pattern of stiff expression.


Regional gradient

There is a mix of the wall is divided into three regions, take a gradual approach: upper can choose small size light tiles central; all the same color tiles, tiles and tiles can be combined independently; the lower tiles darker, and the ground to keep the same color the ground, using the same or adjacent dado color large format tiles, natural transition, spatial unity. hardwood laminate bay area Tile can be used only in the middle of one wall, and can be in the walls on both sides of the upper space, free space.

Glazed tile surface can do a variety of designs and patterns marble bay area



marble bay area colors and patterns of the rich than polishing transfer, because the surface is glaze, so wear resistance than polishing.

Identification of indicators of glazed tiles in size is consistent and so on, mainly to see the water absorption, the general good brick press, pressing, high density, high baking temperature, the porcelain is good, so the water absorption rate is small.

High water absorption is easily penetrate into the liquid, and some even in the tiling of the time, cement water can be sucked from the back, into the glaze.

At the same time, bibulous rate is high, between the glaze and embryo is easy to crack, not brick surface for a period of time behind the shed at the foot, marble bay area is affected by temperature and humidity of glaze and body changes resulting from inconsistent. So the better ceramic tile, bibulous rate is low, do not understand people who think the tiles are similar, but not after a few years, especially in the toilet, principle with the ceramic tile, if the surface of the glaze is not good, it is easy to hang the stolen goods, if the water closet rate is high, the stolen goods will slowly infiltrated toilet inside, after one or two years, you will find your home toilet clean, how still have a taste ah, in fact, the taste is from the toilet itself, more bad toilet for one or two years after the water storage place glaze will fall off, I saw some people the toilet is such, the toilet can only change. So many things decoration, marble bay area but can not see good or bad, but in one or two years to have the difference, how to say, or a penny a cargo.

Introduction and selection methods of ceramic tile granite bay area classification



Ceramic tile is one of the necessary items you owners decoration, and tile species richness, granite bay area variety; its classification and fine, whether by the varieties, uses or water absorption to classification, there are many, then these species specific and how to address it, and how to choose the variety of tile consumers?

Ceramic tile is one of the necessary items you owners decoration, and tile species richness, variety; its classification and fine, whether by the varieties, uses or water absorption to classification, there are many, then these species specific and how to address it, granite bay area ceramic tile is divided into tiles, wall tiles and waist tiles etc..

Tiles: by color into imitation Spain tiles, vitrified tiles, glazed tiles, prevent slippery brick and tile etc..

Wall: by color can be divided into vitrified tiles, wall tiles printed.

Waist tiles: for printing brick. In order to cope with tile specifications, waist tiles generally set at 60mm 200mm format.

Ceramic tile press process is divided into: glazed tiles, tile, polished tiles, tiles, ceramic mosaic tile.

Glazed tile: as the name suggests is the surface glaze firing layers together, the main body consists of pottery and porcelain clay two, back out of the red clay, call back tile, porcelain clay used to bake the gray white, usually called tiles, granite bay area porcelain clay used to bake out good, so good brick called tiles instead of tile.

Mosaic tiles, ancient and popular marble granite san jose decorative art



Mosaic is a decorative art of ancient, marble granite san jose modern but full of vitality. Compared with the general wall decoration, the decoration style reflects the more creative and mosaic in the modern Home Furnishing decoration is still very popular.

Mention of the mosaic tile, people will not feel strange, in the early 80 s, is that many families laying toilet ground material. Today, the mosaic tile stage a comeback, with colorful patterns to be decoration materials darling, avant-garde, fashion is popular with families.

The mosaic tile

Mosaic is one of the most ancient decorative art is known, it is to use small ceramic tile or small pottery created pattern. Mosaic is a kind of ceramic tiles, it is a special way of existence of brick is commonly composed of dozens of small pieces of brick. It is characterized by little and dainty, colorful interior is widely used in small area ground, walls and the size outdoor and ground.

Archaeology is the most ancient Greece, ancient Greek marble mosaic stone is widely used, the most common form of black and white collocation into stone mosaic, marble granite san jose then only the authority of the rulers and the rich the rich can afford artisans and afford the material.

In ancient Rome, mosaic has developed very common, ordinary houses and public buildings of the wall and floor, column, table, furniture use mosaic decoration, can see the buildings of ancient Rome has the luxury to the unbelievable.

The end of the nineteenth Century Spanish, Anthony heights began to mosaic into the architectural art, he made at the Barcelona's Park swing back seat is mosaic, mosaic a masterpiece of art in architecture, he used this new method, the strong and abstract ability strong in architectural art most incisive performance out, the mosaic art applied to move back bent structure, reflects the characteristics of the transformation of the mosaic details.

The mosaic tile

In the modern mosaic due to the progress of productivity, production technology level unceasing enhancement, decoration materials continue to produce and application scope, mosaic quickly broke through the traditional mosaics on the materials used. Such as ceramics, mica, marble granite san jose wood, color glass, metal sheet used alternately, formed more texture and color impact mosaic art. Because the Marseille in small volume can make some puzzles, produce the gradient effect.





Refused to hardwood laminate bay area direct light eyes



The lighting intensity and direction also should be concerned about, hardwood laminate bay area or direct light eyes, adverse effects. The "two lighting", such as the light on the ceiling down after reflection, can not damage the eyes, added to the romantic atmosphere.

To choose the right lighting reducing light pollution

Common indoor lights, the lighting brightness and light pollution will not be the same. Local lighting, lamp application shading is good, infrared radiation to prevent this kind of light source with more.

The correct choice of tiles and paint decoration needs

When the family is decorated, suggest choose small reflection coefficient of ceramic tile. Because the white and colored tiles reflective metal strong, not suitable for large area applications. Study and children room then consider the use of wood floor instead of tiles. If you installed a polished bright, usually should open the lamp, the light pollution to a minimum.

As the light colored paint has little effect on visual acuity, beige, pale yellow white coating can be used to replace the glare of the painting the walls, to reflect the light attenuation of high brightness.

Kitchen tile choose a skill "listening to test the volume of" experts teach you how to choose

In the selection of the kitchen tiles, we must first understand the kitchen tile types, according to the need and actual situation choose, there are also some basic principles to follow in the selection.

A quality problem, in selecting specific tile before, hardwood laminate bay area must first determine the purchase tile style, different kinds of.

1 determine the tile style

Selection of design style good ceramic tile is the first step in the decoration material, plays a decisive role in. But many consumers because the kitchen space and the narrowness of the ceramic tile choice not attach importance to, in fact, paving tile color manipulation can affect the visual effect of the whole kitchen. Determine the style of decoration and then choose ceramic tile, different style has different collocation.

2 distinguish tile types

To determine a good selection of tile style, the next step is to distinguish the type of ceramic tile. Before the market tile consists of glazed tiles and polished tiles. The kitchen and bathrooms mostly use the glazed tile, the living room most of the use of polishing brick. Only understand tile types, can not be when choosing ceramic tile.

3 select suitable material

The kitchen and toilet are easy to produce water leading to the ground will be very slippery. In order to ensure the safety and health, brick to choose the best surface roughness, the friction force is increased, antiskid effect. Guide recommends that consumers, the best choice of materials better tiles, tiles and wooden floor decoration for decoration, hardwood laminate bay area ceramic tile to decorate very troublesome, it is best to a decoration in place, don't be penny wise and pound foolish.

The six classic minimalist cabinet design fashion marble granite bay area blowing into the kitchen


With the "birth and popular minimalist" gens, marble granite bay area the Home Furnishing decoration everywhere along the simple style, the kitchen is no exception.

The biggest characteristic is concise simple kitchen. In the kitchen design, mostly for the simple straight line, horizontal and vertical, reduce unnecessary decoration lines, using simple linear stressed their sense of space and simple style cabinets emphasis on function first, form follows function of the kitchen, today with everyone feel this minimalist style, please enjoy the six a simple style of kitchen decoration effect diagram:

In the limelight is home decoration taboo, in the overall use of space on the color, is the use of multiple local cabinet combination of interaction forms, marble granite bay area the kitchen many highlight metal modern appliances or black appliances is the best match.

Rose red reflect the classical type a long tradition of romantic, bright red tableware shining bright, is dotted with the kitchen space for its eye-catching, the sharp degree in the color system is also difficult to have the right of its people, especially with transparent glass texture, can play a very good decorative effect of.

Bright yellow cabinets inject more vitality into the kitchen, smooth effect more cabinets add clarity. Green cabinet fresh colors, the transmission of worship and longing for nature, marble granite bay area the interpretation of environmental claims, cordial people feel the movement of life. Interaction of condole cabinet with, showing a spatial layout is concise and lively, do not see a complex. Even if is open space, also have the reason in order.

Too love romantic mysterious purple, to the cabinet as the purple people cells must be full of romantic elements.




Pure white style cabinets are very beautiful, granite bay area will become the kitchen space.


Master these let you both fashion and practical kitchen

The new era of the living requirements gradually increase, granite bay area cabinet role is no longer cooking and storage, more and more people started to the cabinet as a manifestation of their own taste and express life quality products, so as to seek to let oneself happy living space, but, when the choice must pay attention, both decorative at the same time, but also practical, but also with the overall kitchen cabinets and harmony.

Design of China's modern cabinets and pay more attention to the user experience on the function, using the principle of human engineering, and rigorous design attitude, gives the user a comfortable, practical, convenient cabinet environment: built-in garbage, garbage processor and basin embedded dishwasher let your cabinets clean; metal pendant and convenient, can meet the various cooking requirements of lampblack machine, kitchen facilities; intimate cutlery tray design and pull the basket, let every part the seasoning dishes.

Small cabinets in the space requirements of spacious, material such as the selection of touch cold metal or glass material, feel more bright. granite bay area The small size of the cabinet, the cabinet table, wall, ceiling, cabinet, the floor in the color selection to no more than 3 colors, and should be light, monochromatic system, should not use dark brown, black, dark brown and black and other dark colors, that would make the cabinet more cramped.

Modern cabinets more dear simple lines, simple shape, modern cabinets to create more romantic space to people of color in the. Modern cabinets are marriage romantic civilization and graceful geometric art. Focusing on the beauty of life everlasting pursuit, modern cabinet once escaped the people of ambry attract back again, taste the romantic earthly fireworks. Color is the essence of the soul and the fashion and romantic, is one of the most resounding visual elements in.

At the same time, storage space will be arranged, if the cabinet looks very messy, will make the adult psychological changes, and the storage space is more cabinet, granite bay area the debris of better included together, make the cabinet looks more clean and tidy.




 Paint door although beautiful, marble bay area still some shortcomings, in daily life should pay attention to maintenance.


1, scratch proof: paint door surface film thickness is about 0.3mm, marble bay area in the use of the process should avoid sharp thing is the surface of the door panel;


2, acid and alkali resistant: paint the acid and alkali resistance is poor, in the use of the process should try to avoid acidic, alkaline substances in contact surface to avoid corrosion paint door, door of the film, if in the use of the process will not be soy sauce, vinegar sprinkled on the surface of the door panel with a clean cotton cloth dipped in a little water to wipe;


3, anti impact: marble bay area paint the door to avoid hitting the door in the use process, high-quality paint door paint film hardness of about 2H, that is the weight of 10 kilograms is hit in the surface of the door panel, door panel may appear pit, door film does not appear large area off;


4, anti high temperature, sunlight: paint door film will change occurred due to high temperature, therefore, should try to avoid direct sunlight door in the use process


5, cleaning: in daily use process, it is difficult to avoid the fumes from the kitchen, when the door surface fume, grease, marble bay area available detergent wipe, detergent: water =1:10 clean cotton cloth.

How to identify quality marble granite san jose cabinets paint door


Consumers may not know, marble granite san jose paint cabinets look bright, beautiful color, but paint cabinet door production are in small workshops, how to guarantee to buy regular products, how to identify the quality of paint cupboard door?


1, the film roughness: the film surface smooth, high-quality paint door of the film flow, under the light back to observe the surface does not appear on lines, rugged, pit, marble granite san jose orange peel and other phenomena, and low-grade paint door because the production equipment and process constraints is very difficult to do;


2, the film fullness: high quality paint door film plump, plump, uniform thickness, high hardness of paint film, the user can from the surface of the door panel and the end at the transition to check the door surface and the end of the film is consistent;




3, waterproof side: on the back of high quality paint door waterproof edge 1mm wide processing, prevent use in the process of moisture into the substrate, thereby prolonging the service life of the door;


4, the film cleanliness: high quality paint door is spraying, baking in dust-free conditions, so as to ensure that no dust, dirt and other debris door paint surface, and small manufacturers because of the production process and environmental constraints are often very difficult to do;


5, look at objects reflect whether the image deformation: good paint mirror like brightness, and people or objects as there is trimmed, and poor paint reflects a person or object image will be deformed;


6, smell: substrate, using high quality paint door paint is environmental protection, emissions of harmful substances within the scope of the provisions of the state, and through high temperature baking, harmful substances have been volatile, the smell will not appear in the door panel, and low-grade paint door may be emitting a pungent odor, dazzling, marble granite san jose some can directly use the nose to smell

hardwood laminate bay area the artificial stone


Advantages: hardwood laminate bay area artificial stones more wear-resisting, acid resistant, high temperature resistant, impact resistance, compressive, anti permeability function is also very strong. The deformation, adhesion, turning parts of the one's own knack in; because the surface is not porous, oil, water stains difficult to penetrate them, pollution resistant; seamless bonding can be any length, with two pieces of adhesive material grinding after bonding.

All blend into one harmonious whole. Especially in recent years the new popular synthetic quartz panel, than the general engineering artificial marble, granite and more superior performance, more suitable to the table panel.

Disadvantages: artificial stone made of different materials have different disadvantages, hardwood laminate bay area artificial stone, generally choose containing acrylic high hardness, good toughness

Special note: even the seamless artificial stone, because of the different processing technology, quality will also have certain difference, so the choice must pick a better reputation, service assurance brand

(three) the marble table:

Purchase reference: the length of natural stone material may not be too long, long can not create the overall table, and the modern pursuit of the whole table trend is not appropriate.

Advantages: natural stone texture is very beautiful, hard texture, anti scratch performance is outstanding, wear-resisting performance is good; low cost, color is different, the most commonly used types of price is also reasonable, belongs to a countertop materials affordable. There are high-grade natural stone countertops, suitable for the pursuit of high taste people.


Disadvantages: two splicing not blend into one harmonious whole. gap, easy to breed bacteria; natural stone density is bigger, need a strong cabinet support, though it is hard, but the lack of flexibility, in case of a will crack, hardwood laminate bay area it is difficult to repair, some natural cracks invisible, when temperature rapid change will happen rupture. Natural stone also have radiation, has certain adverse effect to the environment.

Renovation of knowledge: marble granite bay area the old floor discarded or renovation


If you want to re install the floor, marble granite bay area consumers will choose to abandon the old floor, or refurbished floor? I have to home building materials Home Furnishing network channels to discuss the issue with consumers.


The floor of the old refurbished conditions


Condition 1: the surface more than 4 mm of solid wood flooring, parquet and bamboo flooring.


Condition 2: floor can not be too damaged or deformed, mildew.


Condition 3: not is to strengthen the floor, because the floor surface is three two aluminum oxide wear-resisting layer, renovation will destroy wear-resisting layer, can only be more aggravate floor aging.


Old renovation of the floor price


Floor renovation for the use of the paint and the price difference between different.


Experts advise: although some parquet flooring and solid wood flooring or solid wood flooring, but because of its use is the surface coloring techniques, marble granite bay area so the renovation will destroy the parquet pattern, affect the appearance, does not recommend the renovation.


2, use transparent putty matching of gap repair between floor and floor.


3, artificial floor paint.


4, paint dry on the paint surface polishing and cleaning.


5, further artificial floor paint.


I have to A home building materials Home Furnishing network remind consumers: for the price of solid wood flooring, floor renovation although not expensive, but also not too frequent renovation. Do daily floor maintenance work, marble granite bay area can greatly prolong the service life of the floor, there is a kind of savings.

Lock floor himself how marble bay area to install



Three floor, marble bay area seven installation, the installation of the floor is a science, and an art installation, ten people, there will be ten kinds of style, ten kinds of effects.

Lock floor seemingly simple paving, in fact there is knowledge, grasps not good or miss the point will affect the service life of the floor.

First of all, the choice of the floor should be carefully observed, can lock the concave and convex grinding is rules, fine, uniform, convex grooves and concave portion protruding part is whether there is enough length. Generally speaking, slightly longer occlusion will firmly.

Secondly, to look at the concave and convex occlusive close, some convex and concave die is not precise floor convex groove mouth loose, loose, such floor installation easy, after installation can not see the future, but to remain hidden dangers, the floor after the stress, convex grooves in the groove wobble, soon the formation of cracks caused by glue stripping, the naked eye is not easy to find on the floor at the interface, which is installed to strengthen the wooden floor of the taboo, is also an important basis for dividing the grade of the floor.

The seam floor, water, moisture, dust from the cracks in the floor, take advantage of a weak point, resulting in swelling deformation, warping. A lot of construction personnel in order to floor filling, installation for a road -- multi use glue, which in turn helped.

Because the floor use after expansion and compression expansion process, a multi use glue to make the floor without expansion space, the floor will faster cracking degumming, affect the service life.

From the surface of the floor cannot see the gap, requires the floor itself quality is good, the concave and convex bite close, it is repeatedly stressed why to check the lock floor convex and concave groove.

Aggrandizement wood floor has the advantages of convenient installation, beautiful appearance, durable, low prices, so popular with consumers. But in the face of numerous aggrandizement wood floor production enterprises and brands, consumers often do not know how to choose.

Choose a certain visibility of the manufacturer or brand. The scientific enterprise management, advanced equipment, product quality and stability.

Optional floor unfavorable choose color is very dark or black, marble bay area because the color of the floor or abrasion resistant performance is poor, poor resolution or surface.

Compare products packaging. Good product packaging logo more normative, factory name, the site, the real phone, and indicate the categories of products, such as level. Consumer is deceived to prevent, can be verified according to the identification number.

In general, the light is not good, not to buy the color deep color.

The floor quality performance in the substrate, color wood grain paper, wear-resistant layer and product size precision aspects. Consumers can through the smooth degree, tongue and groove parts of the fiber fine uniformity to distinguish substrate is good or bad, marble bay area through the installation of floor height difference and the seam to distinguish the product size precision.


Sixth, ask the service content. 

As the name suggests granite bay area




Granite bay area the three layer solid wood composite floor apart to see is composed of three layers of wood, the inlaying plate surface is made of high quality rare hardwood slat substrate specifications, the center layer of the soft fast-growing wood, floor using fast-growing wood poplar wood or hardwood. Three layers through the adhesive resin and hot pressed, and then