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Tell-Tale Signs To Know Whether Your Friend Secretly Hates You

Have you ever wondered whether your friend is secretly jealous of you?

You wonder why they never praise you?

Why they are never able to celebrate your success?

Why they try to compete with you, though they can not?

If you feel this way about a friend or a former, then your instincts may be right. You are raising your friend's jealous energy. Although it’s not your fault.

You need not to be filthy rich, look like a fashion magazine attractive model or be extremely successful to have a friend who is jealous of you.

A fake friend or a best friend who’s secretly jealous of you probably is envious of your confidence, ability, intelligence, ambition, house, your position on the job, or even your relationships, the way people respond to you, Your style and personal achievements ... and there can be many other petty reasons for your friend’s jealousy.

Our NLP Life Coach experts shared some insight on how you can detect these so called friends of yours. Our Life Coach and Personality Coach at Golden Sunrise shared Tell-Tale Signs to know whether your Friend secretly Hates you.

According to our Life Coach and Personality Coach, jealousy seeps through the behaviour in many ways. So how do you actually detect if there is a fake friend or frenemy among you, especially if they do not accept that they keep jealous of you? Well, here are 8 signs that your friend or former friend is probably hating a little less.

1. They never compliment you. Or when they do it doesn’t sound sincere.

2.  They always avoid you everything is going well in your life.

3.  They don’t invite you out with them because they don’t want you stealing the spotlight from them.

4.  They seek out and approach people who they know do not like you or have ill-intentions for you.

5.  They don’t help you achieve your goals.

6. They stalk you on Facebook and other social media platforms to keep a tab on what’s going on in your life. They’ll never ever Like or Comment or Share your posts

7. They often has passive aggressive​ behaviour with you.

8. She/He compliments everyone...but you.

9. She/He never congratulates you, nor wishes you well on your achievements.

10. You came to know that she talks bad about you (behind your back).

I hope you like the signs to detect for a fake friend. If you do have any queries or confusion, feel welcome to contact our NLP Life Coach, Life coach, and Personality coach for their expert real life guidance. We’re here to help!