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Computer Club

Last time we made this document with HTML:

<title>Hello World</title> </head>
<p>Hello World!</p>

From now on, you can copy and paste it into Notepad from this page.

Replace the part where it says Hello World with whatever text you want. Try to make it several sentences long, because we'll be playing with text today. I'll use Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum is nonsense text used on webpages to fill up space that will later be used by normal text. Today we'll start formatting text. You should be able to understand most some of the code on this page at the end. I'll also go over how to add text symbols.

These websites are helpful:

Also, some help on uploading a webpage onto angelfire:

  1. Log in on the Angelfire Homepage (It should be in the top-right corner). When you are logged in, it should take you to the control panel. If not, click the control panel button in the top right.
  2. In your Control Panel, scroll down to the section that says Web Shell. Your website url will be listed in this section.
  3. To the right of you website url are the options Manage and Upload Files. If all you need to do is upload files, choose Upload Files. Otherwise, choose Manage.
  4. The file manager lists all the files and directories that are in your website. You can choose one to view, edit, delete, etc.
  5. Below the manager is the file uploader. Select and upload a file there.

Here's Some Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ut felis et quam tincidunt eleifend. Donec fringilla erat ac nisi blandit vulputate. Etiam sed euismod ligula. Suspendisse dolor tellus, gravida vitae dictum et, mattis sed arcu. Fusce imperdiet est vitae erat ultrices eget viverra mi tristique. Sed urna orci, lacinia eget dictum malesuada, posuere non nulla. Integer suscipit mauris ut lectus ultrices lobortis. Ut pharetra eleifend nunc, eu dictum lectus cursus sed. Nulla sapien velit, elementum in pharetra id, convallis sit amet risus. Donec malesuada tincidunt sollicitudin. Praesent aliquet risus nec magna ornare sit amet iaculis nulla condimentum. Integer imperdiet turpis in sem tincidunt eu sodales ipsum consectetur. Quisque condimentum iaculis condimentum. Maecenas id felis mauris, faucibus pulvinar ligula. Mauris bibendum enim et turpis malesuada faucibus. Morbi quis lacinia neque.

Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure.