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Investment Securities Task 

Group #

Fill in blank:

A. Stocks
B. Mutual Funds
C. Bonds

1 point each question

11 points total

1.         With these investments you actually own part of the company.

2.         These investments are rated, such as:  AAA or BB.

3.         These investments sometimes pay a dividend to investors for owning them.

4.         These investments have three types:  municipal, government, and corporate.

5.         These investments are mutually owned by investors.

6.         These investments were used to build your school and other projects such as airports. 

7.         You may have received these at birthdays, graduations, or religious events.  

8.         These investments are a pool of money that is professionally managed. 

9.         These investments have two types of fees, no load and load

10.       These investments have coupon rates that inform you how much money you will earn each year before you purchase them.

11.       The Dow Jones Industrial Average tracks these types of investments. 

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