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Investment Terms
Investment Vehicles
Types of Investments
Why Invest?
Teacher Page

        Congratulations, when you have completed this WebQuest, you should have the knowledge to effectively manage your own personal and retirement savings.  Some people become intimidated and confused by personal finance, and do not take an active role in their investments.  They trust others and pay fees to have an individual or company manage their personal and retirement savings.

        This WebQuest has systematically divided the knowledge necessary to manage your own personal and retirement savings into a few small pieces.  When you have completed and understand these pieces, you should have the necessary knowledge to begin effectively managing your own personal and retirement savings.  

        The future of Social Security is not known.  Will it be enough for you?  Will it even exist when you are ready to retire?  This WebQuest should provide you with the knowledge to effectively plan for your own future, regardless of social security or a company savings plan.  Remember the quote from the home page, "The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest." You can use time and knowledge to your benefit to meet your personal and retirement financial goals.