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      Trouwringen- a dream of women




There are a very few things in life for which women dream about like birth of a child, their wedding day etc. So to make their wedding day memorable nowadays trouwringen is there. To make their day special and make this day alive for lifetime in their memory, the couples always try to exchange adorable trouwringens. Trouwringen is known as wedding ring and sometime pre-engagement ring and is exchanged between the couples at the time of wedding or engagement. Different culture follows different tradition to wear it.
In some culture, couples use to wear it two or three days before the wedding day and in some societies people wear it on the wedding day itself, but whatever be the day of wearing trouwringen the whole concept has been taken from Egypt where people used to wear ring made of different weeds, leaves or papyrus as no technology were there to carve a metal. Also juwelier gives special attention to the trouwringen as it signifies an eternal love between the couples.

While choosing the designs of the trouwringen both juwelier and couples take care of the metal by which it is made of so that it looks very shiny as well as classy at the day of wedding. People usually wear it in the fourth finger of right hand but tradition is that bride should wear it in the left hand and groom should wear it in the right hand. Various types of designs are available in the market but the most popular design is the one in which ring is made of gold or platinum with diamond settled in the centre of it.

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