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GEOPIXEL is a National Level Technical Symposium. It is going to held from 10th November, 2011 to 12th November, 2011 at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India.

Our Primary Mission is To Develop the Hydrocarbon and Mining System of the Asia Continent.

Whatever, the theme of this Technical Symposium is that Geology, Geo Technology, Mining Engineering and Remote Sensing. In this technical symposium, the organizing committee will arrange several technical events to give a big chance to expose yourself in the given theme of this symposium.

Organizing Committee also gives a chance to those Engineering students or research scholars who are not from Geology Background, to expose their talent in this symposium. If you are from Civil, Mechanical, Computer Science or from Power System then we are inviting you to participate in this symposium. Except DE PAPEL event there are numerous events for you people. Please show your interest. We want your participation in this symposium.

Events Details are available on this site only in the tab name "Events".

Thank you so much for showing your interest in GEOPIXEL 2011.

-Organizers of GEOPIXEL 2011

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Last updated: 09-05-2011