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Can also try another solution of hot water along with six drops of juniper oil and six of lemon essence, passing them in the end with cold water - hot water and water cold

Tip - Tea for your feet:

Make a very strong tea of peppermint or chamomile (two sachets of tea for each cup of boiling water). Soak your feet in this tea, passing the end for hot and cold water alternately.

Tips No - Massage the feet:

A good massage with baby oil provides a great immediate relief. Massage whole foot, gently squeezing your fingers and press with movements in a circle on the sole of the foot area. You can still go with the thumb vigorously along the sole of the foot.

Tip - Ice feet:

Ice is the best home remedy for any inflammation or pain. Wrap some ice in a cloth and rub your feet and ankles for a few minutes. Finally, dry your feet well and rinse them in a colony, alcohol or vinegar, to stay cool and dry.

Tip - Exercise:

- Exercise your feet and legs throughout the day in order to avoid pain and poor circulation.

- Spread some pencils on the floor and take them with the fingers or toes

- Put some dried beans in a closed slipper and shoe them, walking with them a little. This is a good foot massage.

Tip - Feet numb or tensed:

If you usually get numb or tensed feet, shake them for a minute or two, one at a time and finally relax and make moving your fingers up and down.

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