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 There are a myriad of things that can go wrong when travelling by automobile. Luckily, many companies offer plans that provide for emergency road service. When things go wrong, one phone call can provide the solution to a wide variety of potential problems. Auto insurance policies often these services as an option at reasonable fees. The peace of mind inherent to this coverage already makes it worthwhile.

This type of cover normally includes attention to most of the minor problems. If you experience a flat tyre and have no spare, or if the spare is damaged, a substitute tyre will be made available or, where possible, your own tyre repaired on the spot. Other minor problems may include jump starting your car, replacing the battery, supplying a small quantity of gas if you run out and even rescuing you when stuck in snow or mud.

Major mechanical malfunction can be serious, especially if it happens while travelling long distance. When the problem cannot be repaired on location, arrangements will be made for a tow in. Most underwriters make use of reputable sub contractors in each area. Many plans also allow for travel interruptions by making provision for overnight accommodation and meals. In some cases, a replacement vehicle is supplied.

The availability of speedy and professional assistance during emergencies can be the difference between life and death. Most plans provide for emergency medical transport by means of ambulance or even helicopter. In certain cases, even the medical cost can be covered. Medical emergencies also often require that alternative transport for passengers are arranged.

There are many advantages to plans that provide assistance when travelling. Peace of mind may be top of the list for those who have family and loved ones that travel frequently. It is also good to now that not only is help always at hand, but that only reputable and registered operators are contracted to provide services. Many minor services are provided free of charge.

Selecting an assistance plan should be approached with care. There are many stand alone plans, while others can form part of another contract such as with a cell provider or automobile insurer. It is also important to study the benefits of each plan carefully, and the additional cost that may be applicable for the provision of certain services. Your own travel habits, and those of your family are also important factors.

It is important to be aware of the possible drawbacks as well. These programs often make use of contracted technicians only. If you develop a problem that cannot be solved by the contracted assistant, you may be delayed for some time. Your monthly premiums may also be adversely affected if you use the service on a regular basis

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