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Christian Healing for the H1N1-Swine Flu for this nation

First I'm going to suggest to you how to be cured of the H1N1 Swine Flu, and how this nation can be cured. I would like you to read all of this before making a decision on the way you believe, and then you can contact me through email, if you have any questions. If you look at our nation, you will see through history, which I ask you to research in how when it was a Christian Nation, how God blessed us. Before I go on, I would like to ask, if you're going through hard times, suffering, lonely or feel rejected, and feel there is no hope or feel there is no God, if so, I feel God can use me to help you.

I care about each and every person in this nation, if I didn't, I wouldn't have taken time to write about how things can be better. If you research even the Bible through the old testament, you will find God blessed the Children of Israel, if they obeyed their commandments, but if they didn't, then God would destroy and send plagues and judgement upon any nation that forgot God. God is allowing the H1N1 Swine Flu, because God promised to judge a nation that forgot God, and economically. Think about it when 9-11 happened, and this nation came back to God, how it was prospering, and how wicked this nation has become, God has allowed the economy and job market to collapse. Here is an example in Genesis 18 God told Abraham that he was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, but Abraham interceded on behalf, and God said he wouldn't destroy it for ten people that were righteous, but God didn't find ten righteous, and destroyed it, but Lot and his family got out; except when God told Lots wife not to look back, and because she disobeyed God, he turned her into a pillar of salt. Just as Abraham interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah, so pastors in this nation are interceding for you to come back to God. Do you know Christians God has blessed, and wonder why God doesn't bless you. Well, the answer is, maybe God is trying to get your attention. Let me ask you, do you read the Bible and Pray everyday? Do you attend church every week? Do you do what God wants you to do? Think about this, when you say, I don't have time to read the Bible or pray each day, how will you grow in Christ Jesus. Think about how you feel when a friend or family doesn't want to spend time with you, how do you feel inside? It hurts. God feels the same way, and gives us 24-hours a day, but not just when we need something. God loves you so much that he gave his only begotten son, Jesus to shed his blood for you, die and take all your sins on him, and rose from the dead to give us eternal life in John 3:16, which is the greatest love of all.

Do you want the H1N1 Swine Flu to go away, and the economy to get better? Well, put your faith in Jesus, ackowledge your sin, repent of your sin, (meaning asking Jesus to forgive all your sin), and ask Jesus into your heart Ephesians 3:17 & Revelation 3:20 to have a new life in him, and become a Christian. Then get into a good doctrinal Baptist Church, and be baptized. I promise when you ask Jesus into your heart that you will feel a peace that nothing compares to or with in any way, and God will open your eyes, heart, mind, and thoughts to the truth that will set you free. It doesn't matter what sins you've committed, Jesus will forgive every sin, and throw them in the deepest sea, never to be remember again, and not be judged for those sins, because Jesus paid it all at the cross of calvary. At the end I will give you a simple pray of salvation that you only have to say once to become a Christian.

God is not the one that causes suffering, hard times, lonliness, or feeling like you will never amount to anything, but God gave man free will to do as he chooses. When what we should do is 1 John 4:7 & 8 in loving one another; as Jesus loves you. I believe you can do anything, because Jesus gave me a love for people I don't even know, which I'm happy about. One thing is when you or you hear people say, "the devil made me do it" is not right, but the devil puts things in peoples hearts, minds, and thoughts to do them, which people don't have to commit crimes or wrong things, and say the devil made me do it. You know what would really change this nation? Is when people start encouraging and helping each other again. Think about if every person, encouraged you, saying, I believe in you or you can do it, how much of a difference that would make with people helping each other and financially. If every person helped someone financially, when food or clothes was needed or help with bills, think of how this nation would prosper financially, and that is because people were doing what God wanted in the first place, and God never invented chemicals to put on food, which has made things worse. Man has destroyed the earth that God gave us to enjoy, not God, because just look at all the beautiful things God created, and man is destroying everything. I have a suggestion, when you're going through hard times, try encouraging someone to take the focus off what you're going through, and show others that are in the same position that you care about them, and when you do, you will feel happy, glad, and peaceful inside; knowing you did a nice thing for someone, and show God's love; then your problems will not seem as bad.

Now you may not believe all of this or that God exist or that God can help you, but just think about everything I've said. Think about standing before God, and answering to him for everything you've done. You have to go somewhere when you die, think about how Jesus could really change your life, and save you from going to hell for eternity. Do you want to end up there? I will tell you; as a Christian, God has and is putting me through a lot, and yes, I've felt that God left me, but God is sanding me down to be conformed to the image of his son, Jesus. God even took everything away; even my health, but God used it to help others in that position, because, if we never go through anything, how can we help and show love to someone to know how they feel, we can't. The only reason I love people, no matter who they are is only because God's love shows through me, which God is love. If God put me in a job, Christian Ministry, or something God wanted me to do, I wouldn't be ready for it, but God gets all the trash out of my life to be ready for it. Does this help? You probably ask, why I love and care about people, when all people do is treat you bad or use you, well, that's where God's love has made me who I am in Christ Jesus; as a Child of the King. To be honest, I went through so much that I felt at a time that God left me, and didn't want me any more or made me feel like I wasn't saved or a Christian, but in the end, God got me to where he wants me to be for his glory. God even sent people along my path to encourage me when I really needed it. Do you feel this way? God changed my life, and yes, I'm still going through hard times, but God is still blessing me in great ways.

Can you see why now this nation needs God, and how much Jesus really loves you, and maybe you're a Christian that has gotten away from the Lord Jesus, but remember, Jesus will always receive you back into his arms that are wide open, but only if you want Jesus to be first in your life. If this nation doesn't turn back to God now, just watch how things will get worse, and watch the disasters get worse and worse. Now I will write out a prayer to be saved to become a Christian, and all you have to do is say this once, which will only take a few minutes, and put all your faith and trust in Jesus to save you from hell. If you would like this, here is the prayer to be saved: First acknowledge your sin, and say Jesus I acknowledge my sin before you, and Jesus, I ask you to forgive me of all my sins, Jesus cleanes me, and make me new in you, Lord Jesus, thank you for dying and shedding your blood for me, and forgiving all my sins, and Jesus, I ask you to come into my heart, be my personal Savoir, and save me from hell, Lord Jesus thank you for eternal life, and now I make you my Lord and personal Savoir. In Jesus precious and holy name. Amen and Amen.

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